Case "Zero Promilla": a journalist Tut.BY - 6 months of imprisonment and a fine 100 Basic, the doctor BSMP - 2 years with a delay


After six days of consideration, Judge Svetlana Bondarenko sentenced's journalist Katerina Borisievich to 6 months of imprisonment and a fine of 100 basic (2.9 thousand rubles). Anesthesiologist BSMP Artyom Sorokin received 2 years in prison with a postponement for a year. He was released today. Katerina Borisevich will cover the content time in the SIZO since the detention. The sentence did not enter into legal force and may be still appealed.

In the courtroom, not all

For an hour and a half before the meeting near the House of Justice, the characteristic minibuses are already visible along Semashko Street. In the corridors of ships - people in civilian clothes.

Before the courtroom, where the meeting will be held, are metal detectors. On the clock 14:30. While no one is allowed.

"You need to sign up at the entrance," people say in civilian clothes.

- Let start at 15:20, first close relatives, and then you are explained at the entrance.

Relatives and colleagues Artem Sorokina and Katerina Borisievich have gathered at the entrance to the courtroom. Artyom's wife came, his brother and mom.

Not all missed the court building. The part remained in the lobby, part - on the street. The courtroom itself was first launched by lawyers, then close relatives: Mom, brother, wife, sister and other relatives of Artem Sorokina, as well as brother, daughter, sisters and other relatives of Katerina Borisievich. After them - accredited media (remind, Onliner journalists did not accredited to the meeting), as well as diplomats. About 20 people stayed standing near doors.

At the same time, people gathered near the House of Justice. They were waiting for the sentence outside.

Court verdict: Borisievich - half a year of the colony and 2900 rubles, Sorokin - two years of imprisonment with a delay and 1450 rubles

The case of Katerina Borisievich and Artem Sorokina considers the city of the Moscow region in the building of the House of Justice. The judge - Deputy Chairman of the Court of the Moscow district Svetlana Bondrenko, the public prosecutor - Lyudmila Ivanhenko. Artem Sorokina protects the lawyer Olga Batyuk, and Katerina Borisevich - Andrei Mochalov and Mikhail Bodnarchuk.

- The court sentenced Borisevich Ekaterina Anatolyevna to recognize the guilty of incitement to intentional disclosure by a medical worker without a professional and official need for information about the presence of a disease, a diagnosis and results of a medical examination of the patient, the disclosure of medical mystery, which caused serious consequences. And on the basis of Part 5 of Art. 16 h. 3 Art. 178 of the Criminal Code to impose a sentence in the form of imprisonment for a period of 6 months with a fine of 100 basic quantities in the amount of 2900 rubles, "said Judge Svetlana Bondarenko.

Such a sentence was brought by Katerina Borisievich without depriving her right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities and with serving a sentence in the form of imprisonment in a correctional colony in terms of general regime.

- Sorokina Artem Alexandrovich to recognize the guilty of intentional disclosure by a medical professional without a professional and official need for information about the presence of the disease, the diagnosis and results of medical examination of the patient, the disclosure of medical mystery, which resulted in grave consequences. And on the basis of Part 3 of Art. 178 of the Criminal Code to impose a sentence in the form of imprisonment for a period of two years with a fine of 50 basic quantities in the amount of 1450 rubles without depriving the right to hold certain positions or engage in specific activities, the judge said.

Svetlana Bondarenko appointed Artem Sorokin to postpone the fulfillment of the main punishment for one year. He will need to notify the bodies of departures to another terrain more than a month and the change of residence.

On the period of serving the sentence, Katerina Borisievich Stalley the time of stay in isolation - from November 19, 2020. One to one day. Fine Sorokin and Borisevich must pay within a month.

The sentence did not enter into legal force and can be appealed.

Lawyers Katerina Borisievich: Katya sentenceda pleased, as the prosecutor asked "a little more"

According to the lawyers of Katerina Borisievich, taking into account the time that Katerina spent in the SIZO, it will be released a little more than in 2 months.

The lawyer of Katerina Borisievich Andrei Moochalov said that the verdict of the court was pleased, since the state procurement requested "a little more".

"So, I think she was glad, given that almost three and a half of the month she spent in isolation - and she remains a little more than two months (Katerina was detained on November 19. - Note. Onliner). So far, before the expiration of the appeal, it will be in the SIZO. Later we will discuss whether we will appeal the sentence, - most likely, yes, he said.

Lawyer Katerina Mikhail Bodnarchuk said that the defense, as before, believes that there is no crime on the actions of the journalist.

Daughter Katerina Borisievich: "Great relief, I was preparing for the worst"

When the doors of the courtroom opened and people who are present in the lobby began to shout: "Katya, we are with you!" Many wiped tears. Dasha's daughter who could not meet with his mom's 18th anniversary, so commented on the sentence:

- Great relief, I was preparing for the worst - 2-3 years, at the maximum. I think that for another three months I will calmly last, since so much so much. I am very glad that I saw her.

Editor TUT.BY Marina Goldov: "This case should not have been in general"

- This case should not be at all. Of course, the only sentence that could be here is an exclusive sentence. In a situation where a colleague is shining for three years, you are happy that it has received a minimum term. Therefore, we look forward to Katya. I really want to hug her as soon as possible and send to the rehabilitation to Italy, "said Marina Zolotov.

Later, the editors of the portal issued a statement about the sentence of Katerina Borisievich.

- We demand immediately release Katerina Borisievich! We demand justice to return to Belarus! - says the editors of TUT.BY, which journalists put on T-shirts with portraits of Katerina.

Artem Sorokin. "Do you consider yourself guilty? Not"

Later from the courtroom, Artem Sorokina was brought from the court. He was met by applause.

Already in the lobby Artem Sorokin talked a little with journalists.

- There were many letters, I want to say that I want to children today. Guys, let's without any questions, "said Artem Sorokin. - Today I have some thoughts there.

- Do you feel guilty? - asked questions journalists.

"No," he replied.

At the exit of the building of the House of Justice, Artem Sorokina, like his lawyer, also met friends and colleagues applause.

What blamed Katerina Borisievich and Artem Sorokina?

After the death of Roman Bondarenko SK stated that the deceased was diagnosed with alcoholic intoxication. On the same day, documents of the primary and subsequent inspections of the novel began to appear in the network. Resuscitatorist Artem Sorokin confirmed Tut.BY journalist that Bondarenko did not have alcohol in the blood.

Later, in fact, the General Prosecutor's Office on the air of the SPT channel was also stated. The Deputy Prosecutor General Gennady Dysko noted that alcohol was found in other biological fluids of Bondarenko.

On the evening of November 19, Katerina Borisievich was detained on the way to the store. At the same evening, Artem Sorokina was detained. Later on both opened a criminal case on the fact of disclosure of medical mystery, which caused the grave consequences (Part 3 of Art. 178 of the Criminal Code). Although Bondarenko's relatives have already stated that they do not have any complaints about the journalist or a doctor. Also, Mom Roman itself passed the results of the analysis for the presence of alcohol in the blood of the Son. There is also a zero promil.

The article provides for imprisonment for up to three years. Additionally, there may be either a fine, or a ban on a specific activity.

In court, the witnesses also made a mother and sister of Roman Bondarenko. The sister of Roman stated that the relatives gave consent to publish the results of the tests.

Closed court

The case of zero PROMILL was considered in the court of the Moscow district of Minsk. At first meeting, there were far from everyone - "due to the epidemiological situation." Then the accusation made a petition that the process was closed - "in order to ensure non-disclosure of a secrecy protected by law, namely medical secrets, including information related to the investigation of a criminal case initiated by the death of Roman Bondarenko." The court supported.

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