Kurishbayev officials on the elevations of the Russian Federation: go to Moscow, you will understand how fell behind


Kurishbayev officials on the elevations of the Russian Federation: go to Moscow, you will understand how fell behind

Kurishbayev officials on the elevations of the Russian Federation: go to Moscow, you will understand how fell behind

Astana. 28 January. KazTAG - Senator Ahylbek Kurishbayev After banning the imports of tomatoes and peppers from Kazakhstan, under the pretext of the detection of viruses, criticized the work of Kazakhstani laboratories for plant quarantine, the agency correspondent reports.

"In such trade wars, the main argument is scientific confirmation of the quality of goods. And our laboratory base does not withstand any criticism. For 10 years, we could not organize, as follows, the laboratory of plant quarantine. There is neither a modern base, nor professional specialists who own modern research methods. They reached the point that we ask PCR tests to diagnose the virus in Russia, at the country that creates trade barriers to us. We must have all your if we want to protect the domestic business and be full members of the Union. I want to advise our officials responsible for this work, go to Moscow and see how they have a plant quarantine. Then you will understand how we are behind, "Kurishbayev said at the Senate meeting on Thursday.

In his opinion, a similar situation is also observed in the system of domestic expertise of GMO products, which causes significant risks on the factory in Kazakhstan genetically modified food and seeds.

"Given the special importance of these issues, both for the economy and to protect the health of our citizens, I consider it necessary to conduct an audit of our entire laboratory base providing services for the examination and take the necessary measures to modernize them, strengthening their personnel, technical and methodological support at the modern level. , "said Kurishbayev.

Recall, in early January, Rosselkhoznadzor publicly expressed "concern" the importation of allegedly infected Kazakhstan tomatoes in Russia, and then prevented their imports at all. However, on January 16, the Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan also pointed out the falsity of the information of the Russian department, indicating, among the arguments, the results of an independent laboratory in the Netherlands. On January 19, it became known that Rosselkhoznadzor partially abolished restrictions on the importation of Kazakh tomatoes and peppers - restrictions were removed from the production of Greenhouse-Qaztomat LLP. On the same day, it turned out that Russia retained the restrictions on the import of tomatoes from some regions of Kazakhstan. On January 26, it became known that Rosselkhoznadzor partially removes the ban on the import of tomatoes and peppers from Kazakhstan.

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