Friend, gossip or boy for beating. What happened to "Aleshka" from "Hand up!"


In the late 90s "Hands up!" became the most popular

in Russia. Their songs sounded from each iron, and the team members were idols of millions of Russian girls. However, in 2006, the duet collapsed, and the earrings with Aleshka went with different paths.

Now successfully continues the creative career and is engaged in business. Pop singer has a wonderful wife and three wonderful children. How does the second participant of the team Alexey Potekin live now?

Friend, gossip or boy for beating. What happened to
Sergey Zhukov and Alexey Potekin, photo:

And Alexey decided to engage in producing. Only the experiment was unsuccessful. Now Pothein gives concerts in provincial clubs. On his posters is written "Raise your hands up." At the same time, the first word is always printed with small fonts. A guy acts as a soloist of the group, externally resembling Zhukov in his youth. They fulfill them to pain acquaintance to all the repertoire.

Recently, Alexey became the Father for the second time.

After many years, the artists commented on the disorder, which once led by a favorite group to decay.

"Lyosha at some point became me and his daughter, and his wife, and a friend, and a pillow, and a gossip, and a pear for beating. I spent more time with him than with my wife, with children ... We just ate each other and decided that it was good. We just began to get started from each other. "

- Sergey shares.

Friend, gossip or boy for beating. What happened to
Sergey Zhukov and Alexey Potekin, photo: Twitter "We never swear, but the last two years before parting simply did not speak with each other. I never talked about what I was thinking about it or did a clip. I said: "But Sergey ...". And then I just got tired of it, I thought I could do it, "

- tells Pothene.

Meanwhile, Clara Novikova told the shocking details of obtaining the title of deserved artist. And the wife of Emmanuel Vitorgana spoke about the hospitalization of her husband. In addition, it became known that the actor Alexander Zbruev was hospitalized with pneumonia and high temperatures.

And which of the songs of the group "Hands up!" Do you like most? Write your opinion in the comments.

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