How Jim Kerry went to success


It is always interesting to learn about the origins, where it all began. Jim Carrey is one of our most favorite comedic actors. He took up literally from nowhere at the beginning of the 80s, striking the audience his "alien" faith.

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How Jim Kerry went to success 24803_2
How Jim Kerry went to success 24803_3

James Eugene Kerry - Canadian, was born in the city of Newmarket in 1962 in a poor family of Catholics. Father - a failed saxophonist, forced to work by a simple accountant, in order to feed a big family.

Jim gave to church school, where it was not necessary for its unforgettable and noise. Since childhood, entertainment has become the cord of the rye in the mirror.

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Because of financial problems, it began to work immediately during the school-retarder at the factory for the production of auto strokes "Titanium wheels". The teenager grew closed: Wednesday around did not regain.

Kerry from childhood paroded tele-acters and politicians. At the age of 11, I sent 80 photocondures to the TV show Carol Barnet, but did not receive a response.

Santa Claus played in a school play. So all the childhood spent: in study, attempts to parody celebrities, and in physical work.

At the age of 16, he asked for a speech on the stage of the comedy club in Toronto, where he was Svistan. After that, the shame did not speak two years.

After school, at the age of 17, settled on the steel plant. So I worked with metallurgist all my life, if it were not for the passion for the curves.

Indeed, the first performances do not look masterpiece. Many stupid and superficial, with the facial gaming "ships". But what can you do, this is the path of all young comedians. In general, the comedy genre is considered one of the most difficult, well, Jim is having fun from the soul, and it does not matter how.

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The first successful stand-performance spent in 1979, in those days their image founded on the speeches of Jerry Lewis. Already in 1981 he became the main star of the local Canadian comedian club.

Well, and then there was a move to Los Angeles, numerous performances in clubs, castings. And Me-E-stayed ascent to the comedy Hollywood Olympus.

It was not without junctions: in one nightclub, the speech was "dressed" only in one sock. What you can do, for the sake of recogniziness, men need to hay and scandal, and the girls are starring in the roles of "on the verge of permitted", otherwise they will not notice in Hollywood.

Jim Carrey unsuccessfully tried to listen to the SNL of the 1980-81 season:

Perhaps this is good that they did not take. SNL could just waste this talent.

But the very first appearance in the Big Cinema is "Rubber Person" (1981):

Yes, to "Ace Ventura" and "Masks" (15th film Kerry) for a long 12 years ...

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At the same years - the first serious appearance on American television (pay attention to how about the 3rd minute, Jim parods our Leonid Brezhnev):

And it was only the first steps of the Great Way. Just the mind does not comprehend, how much strength, time and nerves spent this actor to achieve something. Hundreds of roles, thousands of hours on stage, years of rehearsals, fighting the pursuing all life depression: You can write entire books about it. Jim Kerry lived and lives for the sake of comedy, reached only on dedication and amazing talent. It's not about screaming. Won, Garik Harlamov is also curly, only a sense. Case in Harizme, energy. Judging by the "Show Truman", "Fatal Number 23" and "Eternal Lights of Pure Mind," Jim Kerry is a real dramatic actor.

The path was a thorny. It is good that Jim groped his own way and style, and largely changed, enriched the world comedy genre.

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