When should I feed the hypipers? The better fertilize the flower and how to do it right?

When should I feed the hypipers? The better fertilize the flower and how to do it right? 2470_1

For full development, as well as in order for the culture to develop more actively, and the greens and flowers were magnificent, subcorders are needed. Fertilizers contribute on a specific schedule, strictly adhering to dosage. We will tell about everything in more detail.

When does the plant need feeding?

Hypadastrum needs additional nutrition over a practically complete growth period. The exception is - the recreation phase and the recovery of culture (usually two weeks before the winter "hibernation" culture "stop feeding).Do I need to make fertilizers during flowering?

The plant must be fed and during the formation of buds. But experienced flowers recommend starting the procedure when the flower arrow reaches 15 cm.

After the hypadastrum blews, the feeding continues. It is necessary for lush flowering for the next year. During this period, the intensive growth of leaves begins, which form bulbous scales, laying future floral kidneys. It is recommended to make a plant on the street and leave there until September (the beginning of the rest period).

What to fertilize the flower?

Culture reacts perfectly into organic and mineral fertilizers. Therefore, they are recommended to alternate for the full development of the hypipestrukum.

Reference! The first 3-4 weeks after the transplantation of culture is not recommended to feed it. Otherwise, the plant will begin to increase the green mass, because of which the flower buds will see no soon. Industrial means

Flower stores feature a wide selection of fades for bulbous plants. You can choose for a hypipestructor any. The main condition - on the package it should be written that the feeding is designed for flowering bulbous crops. It is recommended to take complex fertilizers, as they contain an optimal amount of nutrient elements.

To not be mistaken with the choice, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of complexes:

  • Insoluble. Sold in the form of powder, granules or crystals. Not the most suitable option for the hypipestrum, since such fertilizers are made when transplanting the plant, stirring them with the soil. Hypadastrum is not recommended to feed until the floral arrows appear.
  • Soluble. Also available in the form of water dilution powder. It is necessary to carefully stir powder so that there is no precipitate, which is capable of burning the root system.
  • Sticks or pills. The simplest to apply feeding. It is enough to put in the ground a wand or a tablet that will be dissolved at each soil moisture.
Important! All feeders are preferably made after watering to protect the roots from burns.

The use of each complex is calculated individually, so it is indicated on the package.

Recommendations for applying fertilizers:

  1. During flowering, the focus is on potassium and phosphorus, nitrogen is introduced in minimal quantities.
  2. At the beginning of the vegetation, potassium and nitrogen contributes the most, in the middle of the growth stage, he will need nitrogen and phosphorus.
Homemade means

A variety of domestic feeding allows the flower to choose a convenient option for it. But note that at the same time two or more fertilizer type is prohibited, as it is fraught with an overload of useful elements.

  • Aquarium water. Such water is characterized by a neutral acidity level. After its use, the plant begins to grow more actively and more. One watering is enough to achieve the desired result (used during the formation of buds and active growth).
  • Aspirin. Helps culture to cope with stress and fungal diseases. 1-2 tablets are bred in a liter of water to complete dissolution. Spray green mass for 10-14 days.
  • Banana peel. It contains potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. The peel is poured with water and insist until the foam appears on the surface of the fluid. Water culture every 2-4 weeks depending on the state of the plant.
  • Yeast. To prepare a nutrient mixture, you need to take 10 g of dry yeast and a tablespoon of sugar, divorce their water liter. Interest for several hours, then diluted with water in a 1: 5 ratio. The finished mixture is watering the hypipers for 10 days (during the period of active growth).
  • Long husk. This is not only a fertilizer, but also the excellent prevention of diseases and pests. The handful of husks are poured with glass of water and boil for 15-20 minutes. After that, insist for several hours and filter. The decoction spray the green mass of plants.
  • Citrus peel. This is another means that stimulates the growth of culture and protecting it from parasites. A third cup of peel of any citrus is poured with a glass of water and insist 3-4 days. Break water in proportion 1:10. The tincture is pouring under the root, the procedure is carried out twice a month.

How does the feeder affect the watering mode?

Culture food is coordinated with watering mode. Fertilizers contribute only to moistened soil. We need to water the hypipers as the soil drying - should dry at least a third of the entire substrate.

Upborn is an important element of plant care. Without regular and competent feeding, the full development of culture is impossible. But the oversupply of nutrient elements will be harmful to the flower.

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