The EU highlights another 3 million euros for humanitarian assistance to civilians who affected the Karabakh conflict

The EU highlights another 3 million euros for humanitarian assistance to civilians who affected the Karabakh conflict 24657_1

The European Commission announced the provision of humanitarian assistance in the amount of 3 million euros to assist victims as a result of recent large-scale hostilities in Nagorno-Karabakh around him, including a significant number of displaced persons. Since the beginning of the fighting, in September 2020, the EU has provided a total of 6.9 million euros in the form of humanitarian aid.

The Commissioner for Anti-Crisis Management Yanez Lenarchich said: "After the cessation of hostilities, the humanitarian crisis in the region remains heavy and is currently exacerbated by a harsh winter and a coronavirus pandemic. The EU is increasing its support for victims of the population and around Nagorno-Karabakh. This will help deliver the essential items to those who need it most of all. "

Recently announced emergency support will help humanitarian EU partners deliver food, housing, winter goods and other essential items, as well as basic medical services and psychological support to the affected population. All EU humanitarian financing is provided in accordance with humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence.

Last year's military collision, which did not subside for six weeks, led to human victims, damage and movement of persons. Fights forced hundreds of thousands of people to leave their homes in search of security. Houses and public infrastructure, such as schools, health care, roads, engineering networks and communication networks were badly damaged. Estimated violations of international humanitarian law include the deposits of civil infrastructure and the use of prohibited cassette ammunition.

Despite the cease-fire agreement, concluded between Armenia and Azerbaijan on November 9, 2020, the humanitarian situation is still concerned. Coronavirus pandemic and low temperatures exacerbate the situation. The EU is closely in close contact with the humanitarian partners and other stakeholders on the ground to support the coordination of humanitarian response.

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