? What is Cinderella complex?


Cinderella complex is not a story about a happy life, but a real problem that can spoil the future.

? What is Cinderella complex? 24610_1

What is Cinderella complex?

This condition in which a woman in adulthood cannot let go of children's fairy tales about beautiful princes and is waiting for their Savior. She is sure that someday there is a perfect guy who will take her on a white horse in a happy life.

Psychologist Village Dauling, who first introduced this term and wrote about him the book "Cinderella complex", believes that the problem of the problem is the desire of girls to shift responsibility for their lives at the Savior, which is not always found in the real world.

What is dangerous this complex?

• The girl pushes almost all the guys due to the fact that they do not correspond to the ideal that she has in her head. Sometimes it lasts a lifetime. It happens on the contrary: the girl chooses any more or less normal guy, for which he is ready to marry immediately so as not to stay alone.

• Cinderella loves to shift responsibility on others, therefore it is not necessary to blame for all the problem, but a tough world.

• The complex turns the girl in a passive person who takes any trouble as suffering through which you need to go through to gain happiness. She cannot deny anyone and performs any dirty work, because he believes that for patience it will be laid a happy life in the future.

How does Cinderella complex develop?

There are several reasons:

• Childhood. Some parents are driven by daughters that they are the only and unique princesses that only the best people are worthy of. Partly this is understandable, because for parents their children are really special, but it is not worth raising a child for such a scenario.

Sometimes the complex is developing due to another method of upbringing. When girls say that you should always work, Terper and suffer, to earn happiness.

• fear of success. Some are afraid to become independent and take life into their hands, so they begin to seek salvation in another person who will replace caring parents.

• Fear of loneliness. This item follows from the previous one: the woman is afraid of loneliness, so looking for at least some "prince".

Signs of Cinderella complex

• overestimated requirements

• lack of one's own opinion

• Naivety

• Understanding

How to overcome Cinderella complex?

Girls with such a complex need to learn to say "no," not afraid to express your opinion, stop hoping for salvation and start living in real life, so as not to wake up in one day with the realization that she passed by.

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