In the Irkutsk region expanded a list of rural agglomerations


Irkutsk Region, 01/18/21 (IA "Teleinform") - In the Irkutsk region, a list of rural agglomerations was expanded - it includes nine cities in the region with a population of less than 30 thousand people: Bodaibo, Vikhorevka, Kirensk, Zheleznogorsk-Ilimsky, Alzamai, Svirsk, Baikalsk , Slyudyanka, Biryusinsk.

The appropriate order was signed by the chairman of the government of the Irkutsk region Konstantin Zaitsev, the press service of the governor reports.

As the Minister of Agriculture of the region, Ilya Sumarokov, explained, inclusion in the list of rural agglomerations will allow residents of these settlements to improve the living conditions due to participation in the events of the State Program "Complex Development of Rural Territories".

- Since 2021, they will be able to qualify for a "rural mortgage" at a preferential rate of up to 3% per annum, as well as to submit projects for the development of the settlement for funds to implement them within the framework of the event "Modern Country of Rural Territories," - said the head of the Regional Office.

As part of the event, the "Contemporary Oil Territory" event can be obtained from the consolidated budget for the construction, modernization or major repairs of cultural and social facilities (with the exception of hospitals), centralized and non-centralized water supply systems, drainage, sewage treatment, sewage treatment facilities, water treatment stations, water intake and water-capacity structures, electric outdoor lighting networks. Construction of block-modular boiler rooms and the translation of apartment buildings for individual heating, construction and reconstruction of thermal networks, power networks are possible.

Due to the subsidy, you can also purchase buses, automotive sanitary transport, mobile medical complexes, equipment for implementing projects in the field of telemedicine technologies, computer and peripheral equipment. In addition, the funds can be aimed at the development of telecommunications (construction (gasket) of data transfer lines, the acquisition and installation of equipment that provides, including the possibility of wireless connection to the information and telecommunication network "Internet").

In the Irkutsk region expanded a list of rural agglomerations 24564_1

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