Mayor of Lviv announced a critical lack of doctors

Mayor of Lviv announced a critical lack of doctors 24463_1
Photo: Associated Press © 2021, Evgeniy Maloletka

The authorities of the Lviv region are asking for help in the fight against COVID-19 in all people with medical education.

The authorities of the Lviv region of Ukraine beg for help in the fight against the coronavirus epidemic. Over the past day, a record number of patients came to the hospital. There is not enough doctors in the region. The mayor of Lvov called the situation critical and asked for help to all citizens of a country with any medical education.

Andrei Garden, Mayor of Lviv: "Daily in Lviv region is hospitalized 250-300 patients with COVID-19. In the last day in the hospital received a record number - 338 people. We do everything you need to increase the number of beds in urban and regional hospitals. But we are critical of the doctors and other medical workers. "

Ukrainian official called on all people who have a medical education of any profile, call to a hotline of the city or fill out the online form, promising "worthy financial compensation."

On the eve of the restrictive measures tightened in the Lviv region. Lokdokun is introduced until March 29. Schoolchildren of the younger classes were sent on vacation, high school students transferred to distance learning. All mass events are prohibited. Cafes and restaurants can only work in the delivery and delivery.

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine announced today that Kiev, Lviv, Odessa, Zhytomyr, Transcarpathian, Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsi region are located in the red zone of Quarantine. The list of the orange zone of quarantine has expanded. Now it has already 11 Ukrainian regions: Kiev, Cherkasy, Khmelnitskaya, Poltava, Ternopil, Sumy, Nikolaev, Lviv, Donetsk, Dnepropetrovsk and Vinnitsa region.

During the day in Ukraine, almost 15.3 thousand new cases of coronavirus infection were revealed. Since the beginning of the year, the maximum was recorded on the eve of 15,850 infected. The total number of cases recorded in the country has exceeded 1.535 million people. Died 29,775 patients with COVID.

Mayor of Lviv announced a critical lack of doctors 24463_2
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Recall, in early March, Ukrainian doctors first publicly recognized that they had to conduct medical sorting patients.

Mayor of Lviv announced a critical lack of doctors 24463_3
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Based on: TASS.

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