"Hook". Series about cruel slogan disassembly


On March 5, 2021, it became available for viewing the first project from the MEGOGO Originals line, the Hook District. This series tells about the misadventures of Nikolai Kryukov - the legendary hockey player, who after the completion of the sports career retrained to the agent, with the variable success of promoting young players.

In hockey, as we know, playing real men who are not afraid to get along the teeth and do not but like girls when they are toughly imprinted into the side. So was Nikolai Kryukov (Yuri Kolokolnikov), but now his career on ice is over and hockey player retrained into an agent promoting younger athletes. Nicholas is an honest and principled person, and these qualities are very prevented by him to succeed at the chosen field.

Attention! The following text contains spoilers!

Yuri Kolokolnikov in the series "Hook"

However, the "honesty" of Kryukov is the concept of relative. He is not hesitating to give a bribe the traffic police officer to unwind his ward, Sorted by Drunk behind the wheel, pay for silence to a friend to a doctor or hastily merge from negotiations in the restaurant, leaving an unpaid bill in his hand. And the hook does not know how to deal with people at all, so the most promising player (Alexey Svilnikov) leaves him to another, more increasing agent (Alexey Barabash), and another hiding hockey player (Mark Vdovin) and warm her legs in the bed of his wife Nicholas (Agata Mutsenietse).

Yuri Kolokolnikov, Mark Vdovin and Agatha Motsessia in the TV series "Hook"

Easy to cause sympathy for the hero, having collapsed on him a few undeserved blows of fate. But when, during the first two episodes, the writers constantly beat the hero under the breath, carry the muzzle on the asphalt and do not give him to rise, it ceases to be sorry - he himself becomes pitiful. Of course, according to the law of the genre, Nikolai will have to reach the bottom, push off from him and start his way to the top, but before that it is still necessary to do. Do you become an empathic hero, which looks even in trifles and does not demonstrate any positive qualities, with the exception of the aforementioned dubious "honesty"?

Maxim Saprykin and Ekaterina Kuznetsova in the TV series "Hook"

The series could pull out the romantic line, but its tie is also spelled out very topologically. Finding on the treasures of his wife a hook, being in a fair-to-patch, comes to the doctor of Lade (Ekaterina Kuznetsov), from whom he met in the morning of the same day with not the most pleasant circumstances for her, and starts to yell in the night under the windows. What is the probability that adequate, albeit is lonely, a woman will drag the unfamiliar drunk gorolopana to himself and lay down, instead of calling the police?

Hockey is a very popular sport in our country, and an example of "youths" shows that it is possible to build a strong playwrith around it. Alas, the "hook" looks like a person who got at the ice for the first time: he can go only in a straight line and constantly string to grasp by the air so as not to fall.

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