What you can not do before sports training: 7 prohibitions and restrictions

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Performing some rituals before training, you will be able to achieve stunning results. In addition, they are completely simple to follow. Designed to comply with the right schedule, your body will be able to function at a higher level and will get closer to the desired goal much faster, Joinfo.com approves.

What can not be done before sports training?

Do not start to train an empty stomach
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Some people prefer to make an empty stomach cardorative, mistakenly assuming that the body will absorb fats and carbohydrates and process them as an energy, which can contribute to the speedy weight loss.

However, if you did not eat anything for several hours before training, the body can start using protein, and not fats and carbohydrates as fuel. This means that the protein deficiency will appear for muscle buildup.

In addition, if you focus on using fat as the main source of energy, this does not mean that the body will burn more calories.

Do not drink too much water before training
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Before training, it is important to drink well, but avoid the use of too much fluid, because in this case the body will try to normalize the water-salt balance. As a result, cells can swell, and you can experience such symptoms as dizziness, pain, nausea, and, in extremely rare cases, vomiting.

It is best to use water 1-2 hours before training, and 15 minutes before the start of classes, drink about 250 milliliters. The amount of liquid can be slightly increased if you sweat very much or in warm and hot weather.

Don't sleep too long
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You can take a little bit off before training, however, the recreation period should not last more than 30 minutes. Light dormant can increase the concentration and energy level. However, a longer sleep often has a direct opposite effect, that is, you will feel even more sluggish than before.

Do not dress too warm and do not wear cramped clothes.
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Even if you are engaged in sports on the coldest day of the year, you should not dress like a "cabbage". This can lead to overheating and excessive sweating. In this case, if it is very frosty, the sweat will quickly evaporate, and the body will instantly cool.

Conversely, when it is very hot, choose fabrics that allow your skin to breathe. Prefer convenient clothing that will allow you to move freely during training. It is recommended to wear cotton leggings and T-shirts, because they better absorb sweat.

Do not static stretch
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First, static stretching can reduce productivity and adversely affect the speed of running, the reaction time and strength. In addition, if your body has not previously warmed up, stretching may result in muscle damage.

This does not mean that you must completely forget about the static stretching. You can start training with dynamic stretching, and before the active phase of the workout, make a couple of exercises from static.

Do not forget to take breaks between training
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Rest days are needed to restore the body after serious motor activity. This is an important part of the workout schedule, regardless of the sport, which you prefer to do, or the level of physical training.

If you spend training daily, it may cause overvoltage and exhaustion. And allowing yourself to rest at least a few days a week, you will give the opportunity to the muscles to recover and strengthen, avoid strong fatigue, you will sleep better, reduce the risk of injury and increase performance.

Do not drink coffee
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Caffeine is the most common ingredient of energy supplements recommended to consume before training. They can provide the body with additional energy and will help longer and intensively play sports and even increase motivation and concentration, but not long.

Excessive caffeine intake can lead to a reduction in the intestinal muscles, which will increase the likelihood of urges to defecation at the most inappropriate moment. This means that during training you will feel the urgent need to go to the toilet.

But this is only a small part of the side effects, as you can also experience anxiety, insomnia, rapid heartbeat or arrhythmia, anxiety and an increase in blood pressure.

After reading this article, you learned what mistakes should not be allowed before training. But it is possible to level all the efforts to play sports after exercise. Surely you will be interested to read how to avoid it.

Photo: Pixabay.

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