Readers told how they encountered people whose arrogance has passed all reasonable limits


Unfortunately, there are plenty of people in the world that the sake of their own benefit without a revelation of conscience is brazenly using the other. They can completely calmly twisted out of turn, resent the quality of things that they are free, and there are other people's products without demand.

We in we believe that sometimes such non-parted heights still need to be placed in place. And maybe at least then they will learn about the existence of such a thing as politeness.

Readers told how they encountered people whose arrogance has passed all reasonable limits 24290_1
© Tatyana Adamyan / Facebook


The girlfriend told the story that it was allegedly accused of a serious crime and are going to be imprisoned, so it urgently needs money for lawyers and on other expenses. I gave her € 4,000 (accumulated), although myself then was a single mother with 2 young children. It was a sorry for her. Result: after a week I saw her on a new car. About the return of speech money and not went, I needed to laugh ... © Violina Lins / Facebook


Friends for the New Year holidays were asked to my apartment in another country. When I returned there in the summer, my legs ran from shock. They went to the footwear on the parquet, unpacked new dishes, traces from burning remained on kitchen cabinets, all in toothpaste and a terrible type of toilet. When I voiced them a claim, my friends stated that in response, I can skip their apartment. Everything! More to anyone and never. Well, more we are not friends, of course. © Tatjana Subina / Facebook


My husband and I have repeatedly cut down a girlfriend: Raked a quick loan and covered the shortage at work. Then she asked money to the hospital - on a bathrobe, nightie, new sneakers. Then on drugs and contributions. I have nothing to give her, we have come. And then I learned that at the time she spent on telephone conversations every month more than 1,000 hryvnia. She said that he loves communication. So I think: I bought her panties and medicines or paid for the phone? © Lara Klm / Facebook


Readers told how they encountered people whose arrogance has passed all reasonable limits 24290_2
© Lazareva Natalia / Facebook


Burned in a hypermarket. She gained everything, including 3 packs of chicken fillet. In order not to sell the film on them, put on top of the other products. Here I remembered that the light bulbs are needed. I read the characteristics on the packages of these light bulbs. And suddenly, passing by the young man sgings from my cart all 3 packs fillets and quickly dumps! I go behind him, shouting: "Stay!" Yes, where there, he fled to the cashier, like that ostrich ... I had to go for a new fillet. © BeathaneFor / Adme


Got somehow on Avito a crib. 2 my daughters slept in it, so it looked not very. I decided not to take money, you just needed to free the place. A man who took the crib was very displeased with the fact that the sides were nibble and that in general she was not new. When I replied that there would be a new one, I would not give her free for free, and if I don't like it, then let him not take, the man said that I was Khame, and left my bed. © Elena Balyakina / Facebook


The story occurred in the grocery supermarket at the checkout. The cashier calculated some young lady, put all the goods in the packages. And then began to serve other buyers. The lady in the meantime goes to the outlet without packages. The cashier reminds of purchases: it is not possible, maybe a man sclerosis. And she says to complete: "You must attribute them to my car." And some uncle answered her: "And why is it suddenly? Also throw out other buyers to wait here? " © Vіtsoleta Buchko / Facebook


Readers told how they encountered people whose arrogance has passed all reasonable limits 24290_3
© Salamey Ibdiyev / Facebook


Once plumbing worked on me, and they did not have any detail. We sent me to the store, since he is not far. Returning, and they got 2 bottles from my refrigerator (1.5 liters) of homemade kvass and drink, and directly from the bottles. I do not feel sorry, but why in my refrigerator may have extraneous peasants? Could ask to drink, I would give them myself. It was unpleasant. © NTU Autumn / Facebook


One grandmother is all summer near our office sold vegetables, flowers and berries with giving. All the time I was crying that my pensions were missing. I bought bouquets every day - first 500 tenge, then they began to cost 1,000, 1,500 and 2,000! I think, well, okay, it is necessary to live on something to something, and it sorry to me sincerely. Continued to buy until she saw that she was still selling the same bouquets to another 500 tenge ... © Tamara Karymsakova / Facebook


Bought a big fish. We do not eat her head. I wanted to endure street cats, but on the way I met a neighbor. She saw that I was carrying, and says: "Give us, Wuhu Swarim. And in general, if you do not eat head, bring us. " Next time I bring 2 heads, she looks at me with contempt and says: "Conscience must have. You can treat whole fish, and not to wear heads. " Curtain. Since then, rather cats, they at least grateful. © Nodira Eghamberdiyeva / Facebook


I had one familiar mechanic. Once in the parking lot of the shopping center, he saw a woman suffer from his car: the wheel was launched. Well, he volunteered to help. Unscrew the wheel, changed to the spare wheel, and not immediately did everything (either the jack was broken, or the bolts rusted), but in the end he helped. And when I sat down in my car, it turned out that I forgot to turn off the headlights and planted the battery. He asked the same woman to help him, to give a minute and "see" his car (the benefit of his wire was with him). But she sent him, saying that she was once, and in general, they say, he slept too long with her wheel and now she is somewhere late. © Anastasiya Quit / Adme


I somehow sold spare parts from my car on the online flea market. One guy clutched, they say, sell it and it is half the cas. Somewhere in his request, I wrote, wrote that the necks and my wife were pregnant, loans, new parts could not buy, and the old wheelbarrow urgently needed to repair to tax and feed the family. Surrendered. Appointed a meeting, I stand waiting. And then I was stupid ... It takes a solid such man on the silver "Lexus", the goods inspect the goods, it disrupts the money and silently leaves. Curtain. © Alexander Platonov / Facebook


A friend invited to visit. I bought fruit so that not with empty hands go. Already in the way, the call rang from her with a request to capture a couple of salads, a grill grill, a cake, cheese and something else. I turned around and went home, referring to an urgent thing. © Jeanne Bazarbekova / Facebook


Readers told how they encountered people whose arrogance has passed all reasonable limits 24290_4
Вада вользок / Facebook


My husband and I had a similar story. Just called in a year and said that the car was repairing, and offered to pay for the repair in half. Fine? © Irina Ovcharenko / Facebook


I am engaged in a manicure as a part-time. Almost a year did nails with one relative, did not take the money: a relative job ... Some time ago, I changed the main work, now I woke 6 days a week plus half of Sunday. In his free time, I want to sleep and pay attention to yourself. The relative stopped making a manicure: it is better to rest once again. Now her mother is indignant, they say, like this, I sit at home, there is time, I could call her daughter. © Maria Akimova / Facebook


My friend with a friend, being student, drove somehow on the train. We bought juice and put on the table. I went on the upper shelf, I woke up at night, drank a little juice and fell asleep again. And the girlfriend did not sleep. Suddenly sees - a man from the bottom shelf stretches his hand and begins to drink our juice. I saw that she was looking at him, and he says: "What are you not sleeping?" © Olga_m / Adme


I had one neighbor. She borrowed somehow a frying pan cast-iron, rather big, they say, the potatoes for his whole family wants to fry. I gave. It takes several days, I go behind a frying pan, and she declares me: "Give it to me, I have a big family, and you are only 4 people. Why do you need she?! " © Nati Nati / Facebook


I was somehow from the market in a minibus. Seed near the passage, near himself put a bucket with strawberries. I look at the window and suddenly I feel about the bucket of a movement of some kind. I see that the hand stretches from behind and picks up strawberries from my bucket! He turned out from arrogance, turning, and there a aunt with a boy of about 10 years old. And she so calming me so calmly: "I take it to a child, a child, and then he wanted the berry when I saw your strawberry." And continues to gain, and it looks bigger. I came to myself, explained to her what how much, and she: "So put back, or what? Well this is a child! " - And the berries herself will faster pushing in his mouth. How many years have passed, and I can't forget. © Elena Shabal / Facebook


I was then small. The beginning of the 90s, went to the family to relax in the Crimea, the sea. They removed the house (we ourselves Muscovites). Neighboring house shot a family with children of my age. We played together all 10 days, and parents chatted. Before leaving, exchanged city numbers. Repeated and forgot about each other's existence. There is a phone call for the New Year: "Guys, meet, that's us!" Dad: "Who are we and where to meet you?" - "Well, we are Dasha and Sasha from the Crimean rest. We arrived at you, meet us on the railway station. " Dad was taken away and ... I went for a taxi to the station with the words: "Do not throw them ... People froze, drove for a long time." As a result, they lived with 2 weeks at our expense, including food. At the same time they brought the Giant Baul smoked sausage for sale. On Mommin, the question, they say, can, treat a stick, answered: "No! We have everything under the calculation. " © Irina Archipkina / Facebook

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