Lily of the valley on the flower bed: secrets of landing and care of beautiful plants

Lily of the valley on the flower bed: secrets of landing and care of beautiful plants 24287_1

The valley is distinguished among other plants with their tenderness and fragility. It is believed that these little bells symbolize the victory of good over evil. But besides the fact that they have an attractive appearance and stunning fragrance, also have a number of useful properties for a person. About how to plant and care for the valley in the garden will tell in his article.

How to put the lily of the lily of the Lily of the Lily of the Lily of the Lily of Lily?

Attention that you pay the planting process is crucial for the optimal development of any culture. And the valley in this sense are no exception. They need favorable environmental conditions to grow, develop and bloom in the best possible way.

What should be taken when landing lonsters luckers:
  • Prepare the soil in which you are going to plant bulbs. Namely - make sure the land is well drained, because the plant is sensitive to excess water in the substrate in which it is located.
  • To achieve the best results, it is recommended to prepare a mixture of peat, natural fertilizers obtained from manure, compost and sawdust. It creates a suitable soil for small spring colors.
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  • The impact of natural light is also important. Lrangess prefers sexual places, so keep this in mind when choosing a landing site.
  • If you want the bulbs planted by you grow faster, you need to adhere to certain rules. Before omitting the sprouts to the ground, turn them briefly in the basin with warm water. Drinking out of the liquid, cut the tips of the roots so that the bulbs can more effectively remove nutrients from the soil.
  • Drop the pits in a depth of about 7-10 centimeters. Place the lily of the lily of the Lily of the Lily of Lily and immediately after planting a plenty of soil.
  • A week later, the first results should appear. The bulbs of the valley will warm up, and after a while flowering will come.

If you want to enjoy the gentle aroma and the type of these "pearl" colors, you can neatly cut the stalks with flowerflakes with a knife without affecting the rest of the plant.

Caring for valley in the garden

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Remember, in order to grow a healthy plant with beautiful flowers, the best time for planting is an early spring. Thus, you can enjoy small white flowers already in April-May. But much depends on the air temperature and weather conditions of spring months.

Caring for "pearls" flowers is quite simple and does not require special effort. It is enough to pay quite a bit of attention, and the plant will grow harmoniously.

Simple three-stage care scheme for a rich culture of the valley of the valley:

  • Regular watering of bulbs;
  • Proper fertilizer;
  • Protection against pests and diseases.

As mentioned above, watering starts from the first minutes after landing. Subsequently, the bulbs still need to spread regularly, not allowing soil drying. Therefore, if you put them in a sunny place, then it will have to do it quite often. But in many respects, the frequency of watering depends on the presence or absence of natural precipitation.

Lily of the valley on the flower bed: secrets of landing and care of beautiful plants 24287_4

As for fertilizers, it is periodically necessary to feed the plant with overwhelming dung or humus. It is necessary to loosen the soil and remove weeds that are able to become the source of all sorts of diseases and pests. Lily of the valley can get sick vegetable grinding, to cope with the fungicides.

Surely all lovers of beautiful ornamental colors will be useful to learn how to properly grow some bulbous flowers without soil. To do this, you will need a vase with water and a little smelting.

Photo: Pixabay.

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