Fish prostom. Why in the USSR it was a lot, and now not to find


In the 60s of the last century, a delicious fish with an unusual name appeared on the shelves in the USSR - Prostipoma. Her meat had good indicators, was delicious and fat and became popular with buyers. But after a while the fish completely disappeared from the sale. Why so happened, this article tells.


Pristipoom is a representative of the family of the Okudasy Detachment. This is a medium-sized fish (from 18 to 75 cm long), living in almost all seas of tropics and subtropics. Large fish clusters were found in the Hawaiian Islands area and in the eastern Indian Ocean.

The body and the head of the primers are compressed from the sides. The mouth is small, the lips have thickening. The color is predominantly olive, sometimes there is a noticeable silver shade. The peculiarity of the primers are prying teeth, which fish publishes peculiar sounds, reminiscent of the gnage. Because of this, the crossed fish is called "grumbling" or "gruntry".

Fish prostom. Why in the USSR it was a lot, and now not to find 24271_1

Delivered at depths up to 100 m, preferring to be knocked into large flocks. Are active predators. The main diet is crustaceans, mollusks, other small marine animals. Love rummage in bottom sediments. Capably survive in a rather contaminated environment.

Confusion with definition

Often under the passionist mistakenly understand fish-boar related to the same detachment of perch-like, but to the family of the Wepers. Perhaps the Association of the Words "Caban" and "Khryukvalter" played its role.

Some species of this family are similar to Prit matter, and even have similar ranges (Hawaii, Indian Ocean, Polynesia). The main differences are a characteristic dorsal fin and more painting the color of the suckers.

Fish prostom. Why in the USSR it was a lot, and now not to find 24271_2

In addition, Vepreye do not issue characteristic sounds, characteristic of the primrose and slightly less than it in length (the maximum size of the fish rarely exceeds 50 cm).

Current position and security status

Since the opening of large populations of the species, it has gained commercial importance, since it was very simple and commercially favorably to catch fish at depths of up to 100 m in a practically even shelf. Nevertheless, about 15 years have passed and because of various reasons for the catch had to be cut, and then abandon him at all.

In the mid-80s, Prostipoma began to disappear from the sale. The reason was not at all uncontrolled catch, but an increase in labor costs during mining. The fact is that at that time the fish began to actively attack the Pinell's wraul, causing illness at sharks and rods.

To remove this latch, mechanical cleaning in fresh water is required. The introduction of this procedure on the flowsbase would lead to a significant increase in the cost of the cost of fish and from its catch had to be refused.

For a relatively short period, the pristipa population was restored almost throughout the range, but they never returned to the industrial catch, because its place in supermarkets occupied other species. Currently, the catching of primers is carried out in some countries of Southeast Asia for the needs of local cooking.

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