Endorphin for ballerinas: 10 modern versions of the classic dessert "Pavlova"

Endorphin for ballerinas: 10 modern versions of the classic dessert
Endorphin for ballerinas: 10 modern versions of the classic dessert "Pavlova" Dmitry Eskin

In the 20s of the last century, ballet dancers in popularity could be compared with modern rock stars: they were idle individually taken emperors, and the names of particularly outstanding were called perfume, clothing and desserts. The story of "Pavlova", created in honor of the prima of the Mariinsky Theater Anna Pavlova, is replete with contradictions: the ballerina toured in Australia and New Zealand, and, according to one version, the recipe came up with the chef of the hotel in Wellington in 1926 to surprise the guest, on the other - Authorship behind Chef Bert Sasha from Australia. The composition may be strawberries, raspberries, maracuyia, whipped cream, creams and mousses based on cream cheese - the supply of the dessert is diverse, as well as the repertoire of the prim. After a hundred years, Moscow confectioners continue to experiment with its taste and the form - Time Out decided to choose the most modern versions.

Pavlova Blanc and Noir (690 rubles) Vladurée à-La Russe

Nikolskaya, 5/1, p. 3.

Opening hours: Mon-Sun 9.00-22.00

+7 (499) 678 08 80

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Pavlova here is presented in the fashionable format "gluten fries" and in two colors - black and white. This is a reference to the Ballet "Swan Lake", where the party is dressed and one ballerina is executed. Instead of canonical meringue for the foundation, made by mandal biscuit, the creamy sauce is changed to linous panacottu, and besides fresh berries, the berry configuration appears from blueberries, blackberries and black currant.

Pavlova with Feichoa and Sorbet of Summer Lemons (470 rubles) in Alice

Spiridonevsky per., 12/9

Opening hours: Mon-Sun 9.00-23.00

+7 (495) 650 09 99

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This dessert was invented and prepared on the dinner "Nevsky Express" project Gimpel in Peredelkino. The main idea is to rethink traditional dishes of the Northern Capital, and Pavlov arose as a certain cultural code, a subconsciously recognizable brand of the city. Taking the classics as a basis, the chef Artem Miudoenko came up with his own version: Sorbet from the pulp of salt lemons refers to the stereotype, that in St. Petersburg traditionally "Quassey", plus a meringue with a fresh laurel sheet, and instead of fruits or berries - seasonal fayo, pickled in Mescale .

Pavlova (420 rubles) in "M2"

Spiridonovka, 34/1.

Opening hours: Mon-Sun 10.00-23.00

+7 (495) 025 00 65

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Pavlov in "M2" can be compared with a classic concert for piano with Frederick Chopin orchestra, everything is as on notes: meringure, cream cream and fresh berries. The new sound of this score attaches the cherry sorbet and the fact that all the ingredients for the dessert of the chef Alexei Zharikov takes on its own restaurant farm. Production is located in the suburbs and has two organic certificates: the European and Russian "Organic".

Italian meringue with forest berries (420 rubles) in Rossini

COOK, 11 s. one

Opening hours: Mon-Sun 12.00-23.00

+7 (495) 740 43 04

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The dessert menu in Rossini tends to theatrical feed: there is a Rossini cigar and coconut "carbonara", looking like a plate with pasta. And Pavlova is easy, elegant and has passionate Italian roots: a blueberry puree was added to Meringu, the cream is made of tropical fruits, and a raspberry jam and jam from exotic is used for sauce. The decorations are also lush: from the classics here is fresh raspberries, blueberries, strawberries and blackberries, in the name of "new forms" - a dome from caramel and mini-meringue.

Pavlova with cream from corn and raspberries (550 rubles) in Wine & Crab

Nikolskaya, 19-21, k. 1

Opening hours: Mon-Sun 12.00-23.00

+7 (495) 621 73 29

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How to turn "Pavlov" in "Pavlov" as one touch? The answer knows the brand-chief Denis Kruznia and Chief Condryer Giga Jobawa. Inside the "caps" from the meringue there is a delicate corn cream with fresh raspberries. Trend on local products in action: corn was grown on a restaurant farm, and after harvesting it was decided to freeze the maximum amount of it so that the season of corn "Pavlova" lasted as long as possible.

Lavender "Pavlova" with a rose (620 rubles) in a "good girl"

M. Bronnaya, 10, p. one

Opening hours: Mon-Sun 11.00 -23.00

+7 (499) 503 73 98

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Kef-confectioner new (and actively discussed) Restaurant "Good Girl" Love Plaksina believes that Pavlova should not be with a gentle protein souffle and a heavy ganash on thick cream. It's the same "Pavlova", the same ballet - you need lightness, as Pushkin was needed: "Touching the floor with one foot, the other is slowly circling, and suddenly the jump, and suddenly flies." A local version with a rose is quite capable of causing the same emotions - it is a finely organized dessert with a mousse of black currant, crispy meringue, jelly from pink sparkling wine and lavender ice cream.

"Pavlova" with fresh berries (650 rubles) in Sixty

Presnenskaya Nab., ​​12, "Tower Federation", 62 floor

Opening hours: Mon-Sun 12.00-00.00

+7 (495) 653 83 69

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The chef Sergey Kondakov imagines "Pavlov" is complex: both externally and internally. Traditional meringue, dense cream and berries are supplemented with raspberry sauce, crushed pistachios and jelly from mojito. The play is played by a play from contrast colors and textures: the dessert has an unusual volumetric form, is richly decorated with gold and geometric shapes. The prize for the fourtrict version from the point of view of the design is sent to Sixty.

Pavlova with Mango, Maracuy and Coconut (450 rubles) in Ugolek

B. Nikitskaya, 12

Opening hours: Mon-Sun 10.00 - 23.00

+7 (495) 629 02 11

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Dessert, depending on the season, changes the filling, and a tropical trio came in winter at a shift: Mango, Maracuy, Coconut.

The author of the Asian Flashbek on a plate is a permanent chief confectioner Restaurant Maria Fedorov. The cloud of meringue, crispy outside and soft inside, filled with coconut cream with mango, and for the balance of textures and temperatures in the company to Pavlova, sorbet leaves from Maracui.

"Pavlova" with Tartar from strawberries and pomegranate sorbet (560 rubles) in Uilliam's

M. Bronnaya, 20a

Opening hours: Mon-Sun 8.30-00.00

+7 (495) 650 64 62

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William Lamberti is again in business: the winter menu is here - its authorship. And in desserts, about which he also did not forget, total avant-garde: take at least a Milfe with a mousse from broccoli and tea of ​​Matte, assorted eclairs with sugar cotton, well, and "Pavlov", of course. There is a difficult content - a strawberry tartar, pomegranate grains and pomegrana with the addition of rosemary. To tasting must.

Pavlova with Malina (420 rubles) in confectionery "Love and Sweets"

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The author of the local "Pavlova" - co-owner of the project of Regina Bourdes: along with Sergey Zhukov, it actively participates in the creation and development of all desserts of confectionery "love and sweets". It seems that they were quite a ballet task to make the dessert "lighter light": inside the air meringue - a thin layer of white chocolate, crimson confinement and vanilla cream. In the role of decorations - pistachio crumb and raspberry.

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