The creators of the Vaccine "Kovivak" plan to produce 10 million ampoules per year

The creators of the Vaccine

In Russia, there are already 3 vaccines from coronavirus, developed by our scientists. Today, one of them is launched into industrial production. We are talking about the drug Center named after Chumakov "CUVVAK". In February, he was registered and now is on the third phase of clinical trials.

In the center of Chumakov, launch the first batch of a new vaccine with marking 001. There are dozens of research, experiments. Hundreds of scientists worked on the creation of the drug.

"Kovivak" is based on an inactivated, so-called SARS-COV-2 virus. It is safe and tested on volunteers. The virus in this vaccine is processed in such a way that deprived of its infectious properties, but it is capable of providing an immune response. Compare "Kovivak" with the "satellite V" or the drug "Epivakkoron" in the context of "what is better" is not worth it. All three Russian vaccines are effective.

Read more about differences. "Satellite V" is a genetic engineering vector vaccine based on strains of human alive adenoviruses. "Epivakkorona" is also a genetic engineering, but the basis is the other - these are artificial peptides that coronavirus fragments. New "Kovivak" is made from a whole coronavirus. It refers to the classic type of vaccines used from the last century.

At the heart of the new, third vaccine sample COVID-19 virus, taken from a patient from a communation. The authors of the new drug have become 18 young professionals. The average age of the scientific group is 32 years old. These are microbiologists and chemists from all over Russia. At the microbiologist, Anna Siberkina these days at once several reasons for a good mood. She completed work on the preparator and is preparing to become a mother.

After launching the first batch in the production center in the center of Chumakov, it began to prepare documents for the registration of Kovivak in the World Health Organization. In the meantime, scientists tell the Minister of Science and Higher Education on how they created a vaccine.

In the first few months in the center of Chumakov, about 800 thousand doses of the new vaccine will produce, but they will not stop scientists. Nearest plans are 10 million ampoules "Kovivak" per year.

The creators of the Vaccine
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