6 films where famous actresses are amazingly played lesbians

6 films where famous actresses are amazingly played lesbians 24082_1
6 films where famous actresses are amazingly played lesbian Anna Gorodishche

LGBT characters in the cinema are gradually becoming more and more independent and worked. Time Out collected 6 films in which heterosexual actresses played superbly the role of lesbians - and received well-deserved nominations for Oscar.


(2002, Stephen Didri)

The events of the film unfold immediately in several time plates. Spectators get acquainted with three heroes - and are watching how each of them lives one day of his life. In 1923, Virginia Wolf writer (Nicole Kidman), exhausted by depression, proceeds to writing the novel "Mrs. Dallowway". In 1951, the housewife Laura Brown (Julianna Moore) desperately hate his life. In 2001, the editor of the publishing house Clarissa Vaughn (Meryl Strip) is trying to arrange a party for his friend dying from AIDS.

Stories are connected with each other not only by Book Wolfe, but also personal pain that heroine is worried. Each of them obviously belongs to the LGBT community. This confirmation serve three scenes of kisses in the film. This screen version of Michael Cunningham's novel attracted colossal attention of critics and premiums, first of all thanks to three leading actresses.

Meril Strip received 17 nominations for work in the picture, Julianna Moore - 18, and Nicole Kidman - 25! Last, by the way, and took Oscar for the best female role.

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(2018, dir. Jorgos Lantimos)

Film events unfold in 1708. England, as always, fights with France, and her Queen Anna (Olivia Colman) is physically and morally and cannot manage the country.

The duty falls on the shoulders of her girlfriend and the mistress of Sarah Churchill (Rachel Weiss). Sarah is straightforward: it is not afraid of tough measures or in friendship, nor in government affairs, and at times its sharpness turns into cruelty. Therefore, a soft and good-natured ebigeyl (Emma Stone), the impoverished relative of Churchill, who came to the palace to work, at the beginning attracts And Anna, and the audience.

This film does not pretend to be historical accuracy: the very fact of the homosexuality of Anna is not confirmed. Anyway, the "favorite" is a fascinating visual adventure with unexpected plot turns and a stunning actor's game.

All of them were nominated for Oscar. Weiss and Stone - as the best actress of the second plan, Colman - in the main nomination. The latter took home well-deserved statuette.

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(2015, dir. Todd Haynes)

Young Terez (Rooney Mara), photographer in the shower and saleswoman in real life, meets an adult woman named Carol (Kate Blanchett), in which glamority is elegantly combined with nobility.

The girl helps a charming client with shopping in the store. Carol leaves gloves on the counter - so the heroines are encountered again. Both of them are unhappy in love: Terez does not want to marry a boyfriend who plans to make her proposal, and Carol is divorced with her husband. Mutual interest of the girlfriends smoothly flows into love. But, since the events occur in 1952, homosexuality is accompanied by the rejection of society. So, Karol's husband uses the relationship of girls to deprive her daughter.

The actresses carefully worked on the emotional relationship of their heroines - for example, thoughtfully communicated with each other during the filming of telephone conversations. This affected the screen, especially in the bed scene.

Both actresses were nominated for Oscar for work in the film: Rooney for the role of a second plan, Kate - in the main nomination, despite the fact that her heroine had less on-screen time.

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"Baby in order"

(2010, dir. Lisa Khollenko)

Nick (Annette Bening) and Julce (Julianna Moore) Two children conceived with a cum bank. Nicknamed Joni, who at the time of the film is 18 years old, and Jules - Laser, he 15. All four live quietly until the laser decides to find his biological father. Thus, the carefree floor appears in their life. He spends time with children, cares about Julce and helps her find a job. Not spoiled by the attention of a strict nickname, a woman is fascinated by the floor and makes him a novel with him.

The plot of the film is partially founded on the life of the director - Lisa Kholodelko and her partners are also two children from donors. The lesbian family on the screen does not differ from heterosexual couples: the same small tragedies, household joy and saving humor. "Baby in order" loved critics, but were accused of the fact that there were no real representatives of the LGBT community on the screen. 10 years after the release of the film, Julianna Moore admitted that she was now embarrassed that all the actors who played in the film were heterosexual, but in any case grateful for this experience.

Annette Bening received a nomination for Oscar for execution of the role of nickname.

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(2003, dir. Patty Jenkins)

Eileen Wornos (Charlize Teron) 30 years old: The first half of them is spent on a terrible, full violence childhood, the second - to prostitution. It is not surprising that she decides to commit suicide. However, halfway to the execution of the conceived Eileen meets the young girl Selby (Christina Ricci). That instantly begins to take care of a new girlfriend and invites her to spend the night. In the next meeting, the girls are already kissing, and then become full-fledged mistresses. Success in personal life in Eilein is overshadowed by problems at work: she kills the client who rapes and beat it.

Drama, based on the real history of the serial killer Eyllea Wornos, became Triumph Charlize Theron. She received all possible awards for her game, including Oscar for the best female role.

Later, the actress was shared by his disappointment about the fact that journalists were more interested in her appearance in the film (Teron scored the weight and ringed eyebrows for the role), and not her professional abilities.

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(1983, dir. Mike Nicholas)

Karen Silkwood (Maryl Streep) works at the Plutonium Processing Plant. The bosses makes employees work overtime in harmful conditions for health. Karen and her colleagues suffer from the influence of radioactive radiation, but it is impossible to confirm this - all data on the safety of production is falsified.

Soft Karen decides to take on the role of a fighter for justice and goes to Washington to devote trade union officials in the violations. In parallel with this, the heroine struggles with a former husband for the right to see more often with three common children. Karen lives together with colleagues: With his boyfriend Drew Stevens (Kurt Russell) and Lesbian Dolly Pellyllikher (Cher), which works as a cleaner at the factory. By the way, it was the first serious role of Cher - she agreed to her, even without reading the scenario, when he learned that the acting was Maryl Streep.

The singer recalls that in the first show she heard laughter in the hall when her name was followed by the last name Strip, but as a result, the audience and critics reacted seriously and extremely positive. Both actresses were nominated for Oscar for their roles.

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