Why business education humanitarian disciplines?


A guesses that technocrats are less successful in business than intellectuals who are interested in art, history, literature, returned to humanitarian science business school programs, which, in turn, became the basis for creating a new image of a successful and attractive businessman. And today we suggest discussing the importance of humanitarian disciplines in business education.

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What does the modern business representative of the business look like in the eyes of surrounding, competitors, partners and government representatives? Hard, calculating and enterprising, but at the same time balanced, sociable and friendly (in any case, when he needs it). All successful entrepreneurs know that whatever ingenious financiers and businessmen are not, they will not be able to achieve long-term success, if not to learn "sue yourself in a favorable light." Without this skill, sooner or later, their business is doomed to failure. And such examples exist in real life, not in the movies!

"Meet the clothes ..."

At first, I will plunge a little in history - the beginning of the 90s of the last century. Images of "businessmen" of the pores, which were forever crashed into the memory of the older generation, are captured in artistic films about the last days of the "scoop": Raspberry jackets on the shoulders, golden crosses on the chains, thick with the little finger, on the neck, unbuttoned shirt, careless walking The owner of life ", vulgar manners and obscene speech. Some of these "style icons", of course, tried to depict pollities and culture, but most often it was bad. Be and seem - different things. Therefore, the first steps of capitalism in Russia looked cynical and ugly.

Changes occurred in a rapid pace, and after 10 years, impulsed and poorly educated people gradually disappeared. The business appeared "Fashion for Intellect", which was not viewed for bright jackets, and "New Russians" began to learn "decent" manerars, like merchants of the Russian Empire, the times of Peter the Great - "Police" to trade with the Germans, Dutch and other Europeans.

As it turned out, the style of clothing issues a lack of education and culture in a person, and the appearance and personal qualities of the entrepreneur of any level and at any time plays a key role in his business.

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Business and Personality Success - New Concept

It is possible, according to the established Russian tradition, to be sprinkled at Western colleagues and learn how business education is organized in general, and do humanitarian disciplines in their schools exist in particular? If you, like us, have already spied, you probably know the answer: they have tried, they are introduced, noticed that cold pragmatism no longer works.

The main priority in assessing the work of top managers was leadership qualities. The results of the monitoring that has repeatedly conducted by Western experts, revealed that every specialist of the company owns narrow professional competencies, otherwise he would not be able to get into the scope of business or management. But Zaradnoye thinking prevents the adoption of rapid decisions, the search for compromises, and this is the qualities on which the success of the business depends. It turned out that at the stage of learning, humanitarian sciences were missed.

Therefore, the leading business schools of the world are now actively experimenting, uniting humanitarian sciences with business disciplines:

  • Copenhagen Business School is complemented by philosophy and political scientists;
  • In Bentley University, students, along with their profile disciplines, study filmmaking, macroeconomics, politics;
  • In Boston College - history, philosophy, literary criticism.

The list of examples can be continued, but the essence is clear - the business is no longer working in the old way. And to enter the modified world of business, you need to adopt new rules of the game and introduce new methods, approaches and solutions for yourself as quickly as possible.

Why do businessman humanitarian sciences?

Immediately exclude options in which the business is initially built on the knowledge of humanitarian disciplines. That is, those options where without, at least, elementary humanitarian knowledge cannot be built in principle. For example, without knowledge of history and art history, it is impossible to open the museum, organize excursions by historical monuments, etc. Although, even in such business models, a regular extension of the horizon is required, a constant replenishment of knowledge that may unexpectedly come in handy in various working situations.

Another option: the owner of the company engaged in the development and creation of robotics, it is necessary to attract the attention of the investor who is enthusiastic with painting. Task: How to find an approach to a person who is far from robotics, and interest him with their project? The solution of the problem is knowledge, at least the foundations of visual art and related disciplines - history, philosophy, literature and practical psychology. In this case, the "tech" for "Humanitarian" is an interesting interlocutor, and you can count on expanding the field of activity and, as a result, attracting additional funds. It should not expect that a person with a pronounced humanitarian warehouse of the mind will be interested in figures and formulas: geniuses like M. V. Lomonosov are born extremely rarely. But ingenious mathematicians, chemists and physicists, humanitarian sciences are easy - and this you need to use "on a complete coil."

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It is no secret that a person who has a rich lexical reserve will not be much difficult to be convincing. But for this you need to read a lot: classics, popular science publications, philosophy, etc. The extensive range of interests, the easier it is to communicate with different people. If the listed knowledge of practical psychology is added to the above, then "pick up the keys" to a partner, an investor or client is a question of several minutes or even "gold 30 seconds", in which the interlocutor focuses on the object automatically.

In addition to the practical application of humanitarian knowledge in business, literature, history, social science and art form a human worldview as a whole - its spiritual principle. Personality, perfect in all respects, is always interesting to the interlocutor, including a business partner. Therefore, humanitarian knowledge is always capital that is easily converted into material values. No wonder they say that "meet by clothes, and they follow the mind."

Not a single business plan

Another 2015, European experts came to the conclusion that selling the product of technological companies is best obtained from philologists, psychologists, philosophers and marketers. That is, the best sales faces were the very humanities that are not sense in high technologies, robotics and software. But they know how to speak with all the sectors of society, selecting the most correct and necessary words, appealing to the desires and needs of each person or a group of people. They know how to manage through empathy and creatively thinking. They are not afraid to fantasize and look wide even on the most banal things.

Note that it was humanitarian education that helped many domestic entrepreneurs to conquer the business Olympus:

  • Head of the Russian representative office of Google Yulia Solovyov on the first formation of Linguist,
  • Head of the holding Mail.Ru Boris Dobrey for the formation of a historian
  • Commercial Director of Yandex LLC Maxim Grishakov at one time received a diploma of MGIMO in the specialty "Marketing, advertising and public relations"
  • Creator of the social network VKontakte Pavel Durov at one time graduated with honors from the Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg State University
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In other words, it is possible to make an unambiguous conclusion: in the modern world there is not enough easy to make a good business plan. Even if the future businessman of the "seven spans in the forehead" will imagine his failure, if he does not start learning the humanitarian disciplines on time, which will help him sell his product, find a common language with investors and agree with possible business partners or competitors.

Perhaps that is why today many leading businessmen, when choosing candidates for leadership positions in their companies, give preference to graduates of humanitarian directions, and not so-called stem professionals who know how to "go", but do not understand users.

A modern businessman and the head is not the person who is just able to manage financial flows. This is the leader and empath that can inspire, constantly developing its communicative abilities and critical thinking. He knows how to find non-standard solutions and feel and others.

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