Court: Navalny should spend in colony 2 years 8 months


Court: Navalny should spend in colony 2 years 8 months 238_1 - The Simonovsky Court of Moscow sentenced the creator of the anti-corruption fund of Alexei Navalny's opposition to the real deprivation of freedom for 3.5 years in the case of "IV Roche" case, canceling the previously made conditional sentence.

Taking into account the fact that the Navalny in this case from February 2014 to February 2015 spent under house arrest, he will serve the sentence in the colony of the general regime for 2 years and 8 months, the court sentences. An announcement of the decision was broadcasting the RTVI television channel.

The reason for the replacement of the conditional punishment for a real period was the fact that Navalny, as the FSR representative stated, made more than 50 violations of the probationary period, was not a penalizing inspection for the stories of stay, including in the first half of 2020, that is, Before he was sent for treatment to Germany in a state of coma, "MediaZona" reports.

In addition, the court indicated that the finding of Navalny in the clinic "Sharic" is confirmed only until September 2020, and after disciposition, the oppositionist lived at the hotel in Berlin, as he said about the inspection only in two months, and did not appear on the inspection.

The court did not take into account the fact that the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) established a violation of the right to a fair trial of the Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow, which made the first sentence on December 30, 2014. Meanwhile, Navalny's lawyer, Olga Mikhailova, indicated that the ECHR decision is the basis for the cancellation of this sentence.

Earlier, in accordance with the ECHR's decision, the Russian Federation was forced to pay the brothers with Navalny compensation in the amount of 76 thousand euros and 460 thousand rubles.

Navalny guilt itself still does not recognize. The current process he regarded as an attempt to "intimidate a huge number of people."

"One plant to scare millions," said the opposition.

Lawyers said they will appeal the verdict.

As Interfax reminds, the Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow is reminded on December 30, 2014, he recognized the Navalny brothers in fraud, associated with deliberately non-fulfillment of contractual obligations in the field of business activities, especially in large and large amounts (part 3 of Article 159.4 of the Criminal Code, Part 2 . 159.4 of the Criminal Code, which has lost its strength) and the legalization of funds obtained by criminal means (part 2 of Art. 174.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

The court agreed with the arguments of the investigation that claimed that the brothers kidnapped 26.8 million rubles. The company "Yves Roche" and 4.5 million rubles. At the "Multidisciplinary Processing Company" and sentenced Alexei Navalny to 3.5 years, the conditionally and five years of the probationary period, his brother Oleg - by 3.5 years of imprisonment in the colony of the general regime.

The media report on Tuesday about more than 200 detainees in the Moscow City Court area, where a visiting meeting of the Simonovsky Court took place in the case of Alexei Navalny.

Text prepared Alexander Schnitnova

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