How to "curse" Pope killed a young pregnant Soviet actress

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The history of the life and death of the young Soviet actress Inna Burduchenko may seem incredible. A unknown student of the theater university's unknown student was a major role in the film of the famous director and became famous not only in the Union, but also abroad.

There was all life and new roles ahead, but fate (and rather "curse" Pope Roman) ordered otherwise.

Inna Burduchenko was born in 1939 in the Ukrainian city of Chernigov. The girl in childhood was interested in literature, attended artistic gymnastics. Her relatives dreamed for a doctors' career's daughter, and the loved ones believed that the girl would be a worthy athlete. However, Inna had his own opinion: she, completing school, went to Kiev to enter the theater Institute. From the first time the girl did not succeed, but her perseverance did not know the borders. Inna decided to get a detailed to be closer to her dream. At that time, she was not only engaged in the requisite, but also took part in the crowd. And once played the role of Gemma in the play "Wood", which led her to the first success. One year later, the beginning actress took the Institute for the course of Vladimir Nelli.

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Frame from the film "Ivanna" (Inna Burduchenko heroine) / Photo: ©

In the third year, Inna was incredibly lucky, on the street it was surrounded by the director's assistant. He decided that this girl was supposed to be held in their new film "Ivanna". And when it turned out that she was also a student of the theater institute, all doubts were disappeared - Inna was approved on a major role.

And here "Clean the Pope Pope" you ask? The fact is that the film in which Inna was starred was anti-religious. Her heroine is a priest daughter, a guerrilla. The plot unfolds in the city of Lviv on the eve and during the Great Patriotic War. According to the script, the girl is disappointed in faith and during the war decides to enter into the ranks of partisans. It is worth noting that after entering a wide rental, the movies fell in love with the audience and got great popularity. Nevertheless, abroad "Ivanna" did not accept. There is information that the Pope itself betrayed this picture Anathema. And less than a year later, it overtook a young actress.

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261st Pope Saint John XXIII / Photo: ©

In the summer of 1960, Inna starred in a new film "Flower on Stone". According to her scenario, her heroine was supposed to bear a banner from a burning wooden building. She who, of course, did not have all the tricks, like many other actors, she performed independently. At the time of the filming of this actress, the actress was in shoes and on the unfortunate chance stuck in them between the floorboards. She failed to get away and the burning beam fell on top of it. It is strange that no one was in a hurry to the aid to the actress, only a worker from the mass of Ivanov. He pulled Innu from the fire, but there was no chance. The girl received 70 percent of body surface burns, the doctors could not save her.

On August 15, 1960, she died. Shortly before his death, the girl married, and after a few months she had to become mom (Inna was in the third month of pregnancy). The actress has found his last refuge in the bike cemetery in Kiev.

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