A resident of Dagestan forgave his wife for the submenu of babies dolls

A resident of Dagestan forgave his wife for the submenu of babies dolls 23580_1

The father killed by Moram at the funeral of his newborn sons, twins wanted to take the last time to look at the dead children, leaning the funeral savance from their people and saw the dolls - this is a terrible video, shot on the cemetery, immediately scattered on the Internet. What is it a monstrous draw or a terrible crime?

In order to bury babies with open persons, Dauda Daudova influenced the cousin.

Daud Daudov: "Here dolls, natural dolls. So my children are alive? "

Later in the police of Daudov told where to look for kidnappers: in the Stavropol perinatal center, where his wife Laura gave birth. However, through the watch, he learned that the one who had a puppet funeral was all this time there was his wife.

Alla Kozyretskaya, Assistant Head of the Investigation Department of the SC of Russia in the Stavropol Territory on the interaction of the media: "She invented history with childbirth. She never gave birth. "

In order not to upset her husband, Laura Daudova made himself believe that she was waiting for the child. She was so born in this role that she managed to deceive even his native mother.

Laura Daudova: "I took these bups, I put them in clothes that was children's. I went, Pelenal, Sisyukhal with them. Then I decided to say that they died. But I had the feeling that these children died in fact. "

Perhaps the most important question is now: What does she need help? What made the laur lose touch with reality?

Oleg Boev, Chief Physician of the Stavropol Psychiatric Hospital No. 1: "Of course, the dominant of the birth of children exists in traditional Caucasian families. And when they fall into a situation where it is impossible to become pregnant, it causes psychological stress. "

However, of course, not to explain all cultural features. Cases when women imitate pregnancy, occur worldwide.

A resident of Dagestan forgave his wife for the submenu of babies dolls 23580_2
Introduced dolls for dead children Dagestanov will check psychiatrists

The generic village of the husband requires a divorce from Daud, but that while still holds.

Anton Chechulinsky, reporter of "Central Television": "Wife forgave?"

Daud Daudov: "I immediately forgave her."

A resident of Dagestan forgave his wife for the submenu of babies dolls 23580_3
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