How to independently return to the body of the "protein of youth" collagen

How to independently return to the body of the

Collagen plays an important role in the work of the body, taking part in the formation of the structure of muscles, skin, ligaments, vessels and bones.

But over time, he begins to be produced in smaller quantities and then the irreversible aging process begins. To fill the losses of this important protein, you just need to stick to certain rules and then you can look again and feel young.

To date, a lot of injection and hardware techniques are known, with which you can speed up collagen synthesis processes in the body. However, to return the "protein of youth" is possible and independently, without resorting to radical methods. Initially, it is necessary to abandon the bad habits that are enemies of collagen. Safety, stress, improper nutrition, abuse of alcoholic beverages, smoking, long stay under the sun can reduce the process of protein synthesis. It is also important to include products in its daily diet, which includes vitamins A, C, E, amino acids, biotins and useful fats.

How to independently return to the body of the

Experts advise not to abandon meat cooked together with bones and peel, since they contain connective tissues rich in collagen. In addition, the eating of muscle meat (chicken breast, etc.) leads to serious problems with metabolism and chronic inflammation. The main source of collagen is also canned salmon, because the zinc contained in its meat helps to activate the protein muscles necessary for the formation structure.

Another excellent way to return to your body collagen - bone broths. It is enough just to immerse in a saucepan, filled with water, meat with bones (beef, chicken or fish), favorite vegetables and cook it all for several hours. It is important not to forget to add a small amount of apple vinegar so that gelatin is better removed from the bones.

Vegetarians may not be upset, because the role of collagen in the body is capable of performing vegetable compounds. For example, you can increase the amount of L-glutamine use, which is part of asparagus, broccoli, red cabbage. Collagen also restore products rich in proline (bean, buckwheat, mushrooms, cress and salad, fresh cucumbers, spinach, onions, algae) and glycine (bananas, pumpkin, kiwi).

In order for collagen better absorbed, there must be products in the menu, including:

  • Vitamin C (parsley, strawberry, citrus, cabbage, chili pepper);
  • sulfur (onions, garlic, eggs);
  • Copper and zinc (nuts, pumpkin and pumpkin seeds, lamb meat);
  • lysine (pistachios, lentils, black beans, swan).

In addition, it is important to drink at least 2 liters of pure water per day. Compliance with these simple rules will help to regain your youth and give up the campaign to the beautician.

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