The most anticipated TV series 2021

The most anticipated TV series 2021 23416_1
The most anticipated TV series 2021 23416_2
The most anticipated TV series 2021 23416_3
The most anticipated TV series 2021 23416_4
The most anticipated TV series 2021 23416_5
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While the most important Belarusian series continues, the world studios also do not sit back. At 2021, an incredible number of multi-sieves projects is planned. We will talk about the most interesting of them below. It will only be about new TV shows, but this does not mean that we do not expect new seasons "Witcher" and "very strange affairs", which should also come out this year.

The release dates most projects are not yet defined. Therefore, first chronologically, as they exit, those series that still have in the broadcasting grid of streaming services, and then tell about the premieres of 2021 without an accurate release date, grouped them on the platforms on which they should go.

By the way, we have already written about a couple of interesting new products in the collection of the most curious premieres of this winter. There, for example, there is quite the starting "Wanda / VIZHN". We will not repeat, just scroll through the past article, and here - only new items.

TV shows with the famous exit date of Claris (from February 11, CBS)

Spin-off "Silence of the lambs", but without Jody Foster and Anthony Hopkins. Nevertheless, the picture is also occurring in the 1990s, a year after the meeting of the Starling and Hannibal Leterker. Claris returns to the main job, then the matter is risking life when searching for maniacs.

While the potential of the series is not impaired. It is possible that we will get a dull policeman procedure. But we still included the project into our list due to the promoted legendary franchise.

"Falcon and Winter Soldiers" (from March 19, Disney +)

We waited for this series in the winter, however, to show it still at the end of March. But to the official announcement, several parts of the plot cleared, which in Disney still try to keep secret.

The series of the series begins exactly after the events of the film "Avengers: Final". If everything is known about the central superheroes, then there was no information about the villains until recently. But this will be at least one - the terrorist Baron Zamo. They say, about $ 150 million left on shooting six time episodes, so the spectacle should be worthy of at least outwardly.

"Shadow and Bone" (April, Netflix)

A large-scale fantasy project from Netflix, ready to sort and with the "Witcher", and maybe even with the "Game of Thrones". The plot is based on the best-selling American writer Lee Bardgo.

Once the powerful country of the zervka is divided into a nucleon canyon into two parts. Cross the canyon cannot be due to the terrible creatures in his impenetrable darkness. Two heroes, however, must be on any part of the riga to another. It would also be killed in a terrible canyon, but at the most responsible moment at the main character wakes up the ancient magic of light, which can not only be offset, but perhaps even save the whole country. In general, it remains only to regret that this does not happen in reality.

Loki (May, Disney +)

At the end of the spring, a mini-series of one of the most undervalued MARVEL antiheroes should be released. Finally, Loki will receive a solo project in which the authors will surely try to reveal all the features of the character of God-Poirls.

No details about the plot. It is known that events will be tied on time travel. Probably, Loki will actively move on human history, affecting its key events. It is possible that Superzlothein named Kang Conqueror from the XXXI century will be the antagonist.

"League of justice Zack Snipher" (Summer, HBO MAX)

Somewhere in the middle of the year there must be another large-scale serial comic, but this time in the DC Universe. In fact, this is not a novelty at all, but the remounted full-length version of the Blockbster 2017 release. Then the tape fell into all sorts of tops of the failures of the year.

Fans and Snyer accused all sins Studio and Joss Odon, who thoroughly spoiled the initial idea of ​​Zack. As a result, we will show a real expanded directorial version of the "League of Justice". In order for the scale of operation: the duration of the tape has increased from two hours to four. That is why it was decided to show the work in the format of the series.

"Falconary Eye" (end of the year, disney +)

And another comic project for television screens. It's funny that the broadcast grid is more or less prepared for telecomixes. As clearly from the name, the series is dedicated to the superhero named falconry, but not the one that Jeremy Renner was playing.

That "old" falconian eyes are present, but already "on pensions". And the superhero case, along with the name, passed the daughter of a millionaire Kate Bishop. That also great shoots from Luke and wants to carry good sharp tips.

"Book of Fetta beans" (end of the year, disney +)

Announced at the end of the year in the last series "Mandalortz" the series in the "Star Wars" universe. In addition, and the main character, about the project more at all is unknown. Will not be surprised if it is still at an early stage of production and can be postponed for 2022.

Next, we list the series with an undefined output date, but declared for 2021.

NetFlix "Inventy Anna"

The screening of a completely wonderful real story, about which you may have not heard anything, but which a couple of years ago, made noise in Hollywood. The mini-series is based on an article in New York Magazine, which, in turn, is devoted to this Anna Davy, also known as Anna Sorokina.

The girl from the Moscow region for several years was deceived by the American God, giving himself for the heir to the rich German family. Fake secular lioness Anna started a lot of star dating that helped her to pay for elegant apartments, travel and even food. It is a pity that in the end, Sorokin was planted for 12 years. But the story is still excellent.


Mini-series of six episodes, shot on the autobiographical book of writer Stephanie Land "Cleaner. The story of a single mother who escaped from poverty. " The essence is clear from the name of the book, which was shot by the series. If we talk a little more detail, then we will talk about 28-year-old Stephanie, who wants to break out of a sultry town, to study at the university and become a writer. Plans rushed after sudden pregnancy. Now go to the dream is much harder, because it is necessary not only to raise a child, but without weekends to work the cleaner.


Another biographical job. She is dedicated to the legendary American designer Roy Holvolon. His life became interested in Evan McGregor, who will fulfill the main role. Hastson still opened his clothing store in the 1950s and soon became famous for the hat, which Jacqueline Kennedy chose to appear on the inauguration of the spouse. After that, Roy became a supplier of clothes for the brightest American (and not only) stars. But this success was also a reverse side: the designer hooked on drugs, eventually lost business and died of cancer against the background of AIDS.

Amazon Prime "Lord of the Rings"

Perhaps the most long-awaited series of 2021, which can easily become the most expensive in history. They say, only on some rights to the Universe Tolkina spent $ 250 million! And for the opportunity to give this money with Amazon fought Netflix himself. In total, on the shooting of five seasons of the series, it is planned to spend no less than a billion dollars. Fantastic figures!

Events will unfold long before the adventures of Bilbo Baggins, and then his nephew Frodo. Prince will tell about the second epoch when the rings of power were counted, and the people and elves were united for victory over Sauron.

"The Lord of the Rings" is a very large-scale project. Shooting the first episode (and in it there will be already 20 episodes) still continue in New Zealand. All the fans of Tolkien's creativity hope that the series will still have time to start at the end of 2021, but no one will be surprised if in the end it will be transferred to the next one.

"Underground Railway"

The screening of the novel of the same name, for which Kolson Whitehead received a Pulitzer Prize. The book is written in the genre of alternative history, however, is based on the history of this. The main heroine is a black slave bark. She wants to escape to the north with the help of an underground railway. In reality, under it, they understood in general the entire secret system for the crossing of runaway slaves from slave owners to freedom. In the Roman Whitehead and in the series this system is visualized as a real underground railway - with tunnels, rails and compositions.

Apple TV + "Basis"

Another large-scale project, which promises to become a noticeable event in the serial world of the 2021th. It is based on the eponymous cycle of Romanov Aizek Azimov, who regularly falls in all sorts of ratings of the best fantastic works of mankind.

"Foundation" is a large-scale saga on the decay of the Galactic Empire. Mathematics Seldon is developing a science of the psychoismist, with the help of which predicts the fall of the empire and the onset of the dark centuries. Seldon creates an organization under the name "foundation", which should preserve and in the future to revive civilization.

"History Lizi"

Do not believe, but this is another screen version. This time was lucky to Stephen King and his "beloved novel." For such a case, a powerful cast was collected. The main role - Julianna Moore, also here is Clive Owen and Dane Dekhan, who played a disgusting maniac in the History of Liza.

The series will tell about Liza, who recently lost her husband, scott Landon scott writer. A woman browsing his manuscript, trying to figure out the mysterious past of the spouse. At the same time, it terrorizes the maniac. He demands to give the manuscript to him, otherwise Lisi is not avoiding trouble. And she really can not be avoided.

HBO and HBO MAX "Mare Intortuna"

Tape, interesting primarily by the executor of the leading role - Kate Winslet. Shooting the series has already ended, so he will probably come out soon, in the first half of the year. Kate Winslet plays a provincial detective in the small town of Eastown. She has to reveal the cruel murder. Nothing, but in the process, its family life begins in the process.

"Scenes from married life"

Almost half a century ago, Ingmar Bergman took off without exaggeration a brilliant film about various aspects of married life. After a few years, almost a three-hour painting decided to adapt to the television format. Starring - Oscar Iskayek and Jessica Chestain.

"Station 11"

Actual film game of the same name Emily Saint-John Mandel. The world is devastated by a pandemic of deadly disease. The acting troupe wanders between the remains of the cities, trying to preserve the culture. Mackenzie Davis, which you could remember the role of Androging Grace from the last "Terminator".


An amazing story that occurred in Nottingham at the end of the last century. Spouses killed their own parents, and their bodies buried in the garden. For almost 15 years, they managed to create the illusion that old people are alive. It seems like a black comedy is waiting for us. Olivia Colman, the owner of Oscar for the film "Favoritsa" starred in the role of the killer women. They say she was so inspired by this story, which asked her husband to write a script for the series.

The Neverers.

Sci-fi series in the Anature of Victorian England. As superheroes, a group of women with superposts. How do you like?

The authors promise a grand show. Joss Odon, Showranner and the producer of the series, even left the project before it is completed, explaining his deed depletion and overvoltage. However, The Nevers still removed without it. Perhaps the premiere will be held in summer or autumn.

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