Courses for three years

Courses for three years 23286_1

Here the baby has achieved that age when, ready to "absorb like a sponge" ...

Here the baby achieved that age when, ready to "absorb like a sponge." And, of course, I want to fill this sponge, and then after three, it's too late!

But where to run, where to lead your favorite Chado, so as not to miss the moment. Suddenly, if you do not have time, the world will launch a new Olympic champion or opera star (there is a good man)!

Do you need to hurry? Can I not have time? And how to see the challenges and talents in a three-year baby? (Spoiler: If your main goal is to grow a harmonious personality, and not a race for medals, the main thing is that everything is in love).

Before running in the "Development", barely blowing the candles on the cake, it is worth exhausting, relaxing and thinking that it is 3 years old. What are his features? Psychologists and pre-school teachers emphasize that in three years:

- The brain is already quite developed to coordinate the work of the body, but still cannot accurately coordinate the joint work of the hands and eyes (therefore, for example, it is useless to learn to write. Training a child, like a monkey, of course, you can, but we are developing). It is much more useful for the development of this skill - learn how to properly keep accessories for writing and drawing.

Another three-year-old kids should be able to dress independently and undress. And the ability to unbutton the buttons, fasten the zipper - training of mutual work of hands and eyes.

- Indeed, many athletes start their professional way at this age. The body is flexible, great grabs new movements, and workouts very much like the child. However, the keyword here is like. Professional sport begins later, in a three-year-old, love for a certain occupation and regular training is produced. And psychologists advise in the professional section, psychologists are advised in 5-6 years. To get used to school to school. However, in three years, the child is already learning to manage his body in space. Courses, training will help this. But you need to understand that the child is not yet able to repeat completely for adults.

- Three-year older is configured to the result. It is important for him to put a goal (for example, "I will make a machine") and see the final product of your activities, efforts. Show mom. Get praise. After all, your baby is already able to experience such a feeling as pride for its achievements. Sports, dance training are useful for physical development, but the result is not visible for the kid. Competitions, demonstration performances, concerts are infrequent phenomena. Therefore, it is good to have creative classes in arsenal, where in one occupation you can get a picture, applique, winged shape. It is important not just to praise the child and bring a masterpiece home. If the kid will see that the work does not fold into the far box, and hang on the refrigerator, stand on the shelf, then he will have an additional incentive for classes - this is how mother and dad appreciate his work.

: When the work accumulates enough, you can arrange an exhibition. Preparation to behave, of course, with a child. Choose a topic, decoration, hang pictures of clothespins on the rope, make a showcase for crafts (cardboard boxes are suitable), pick up musical accompaniment. And call grandparents, friends, neighbors. With which enthusiasm, the kid will answer in question and tell that when, where and whom I did. Desire + successes. Here is the formula of a happy child and tranquility of the parent.

- The crisis of the three-year-old age is due to the development of independence and the department from the mother. Therefore, the child has a need to expand the environment. He needs both peers that he imitates and other adults who become a mentor. It is especially important for families with one child (and only in the Central Federal District, according to Rosstat, families raising one child - 71.3%). In addition to the need of the child in communication, cooperation skills are developed, leadership qualities are revealed. The competitive spirit develops.

- Emotions, not a mind, lead a child at a three-year-old age.

It is very important for understanding whether the baby will wait with a look forward to the occupation?

The child, first of all, goes to the teacher.

- Children learn in the game. At a three-year age, plot role-playing games are dominated. In which the baby studies various outputs from situations.

- The baby is still managing the external motivation. Therefore, to force and appeal to the power of the will is useless. But a beautiful pleasant place where the child is good, interesting is quite attractive. Cooperation will give a longer-term result than coercion.

: Jeming a pleasant with useful, you can kill several hares at once (attention, during the writing of the article, no hare suffered). Print a beautiful weekly glider. Hang it on the refrigerator at the eye level level. First we learn the days of the week, every morning moving a magnet (remember what hangs on the refrigerator) for a new day, studying the days of the week (if the child knows the days of the week in Russian, you can study them in a foreign language). Then enter the child's mugs on the days of the week. A child, waking up by moving a magnet for another day, will know what he is waiting for him. Some mugs and days he will wait especially. So we also study the basics of planning.

Separately, I would like to mention foreign languages. Modern linguists do not advise to study foreign languages, while the child does not learn to speak well in his native language until he learns the speech designs of his language in order not to confuse them with the designs of another. According to the latest data, even in bilingual families, such a mixing often occurs. No, no one against dating with the language is to study individual words, basic phrases, gaming activities. But the deep study of the language is better to postpone up to 5-6-7 years, depending on the child.

The main methods for identifying inclinations and needs at this age are observation and hearing. If a child reaches something for something and is sitting for a long time, it is worth trying to give it to the appropriate circle. Since it is necessary for further observation. If there are no special hobbies, you can try different circles. In three years, the child can already give feedback. Of course, who, like nor a parent, knows its child better, but parents can be judged. The task of the teacher is not only the development of the child. Pedagogue as a link - should help parents better understand their child.

For the consultation, the author thanks teachers of the Children's Club "Talentium".

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