Faithful remedy for disturbing thoughts


Faithful remedy for disturbing thoughts 23246_1

Such "horses" are extinguished by order: take time, strength, nerves and even threaten depression. The most running options can lead to an obsessive-compulsive disorder. This is when obsessive heavy thoughts do not just sometimes knock on the head, but at all do not leave there. Here, of course, no longer do without the help of a specialist.

The situation should also alert when the alarming thoughts are global in nature - you are afraid of the end of the world, a worldwide flood, an atomic explosion, a third world war.

And how to understand whether the case under domestic fears is launched? The quantitative factor is important here. If you are checking out several times, whether the iron turned off, the door was locked, it was normal. But if rechecking are made several tens of times, with such a state, it is unlikely that it will be able to cope alone.

The bad sign - and the fear of committing a neutral action because of fear of getting an unpleasant news. For example, you are afraid to get up for scales, because you think that you have overwhelmed. Or, incited poverty phobia, everything does not decide to recalculate their accumulations.

A person can also worry about the injustice of the global device, the internal schedule of the company, in which it works, wasted time spent ... And it may be sad because of a real problem - the unsuccessful presentation of either the upcoming exam.

In the first case, it is important to dare from hard thoughts, in the second - to begin to solve the problem causing an alarm. Perhaps it will save you and from thoughts ..

But the failure on the exams, unlike the end of the world, is a completely likely event. So, it can be influenced. And if you prepare as it should, the effect of accidents will be minimized.

Strategy of action

• Analyze what you can influence: Prepare theses, say everything in front of the mirror.

• Determine what you lack: maybe facts for the presentation maybe you have not learned some topic to the exam.

• Imagine how events may develop with the worst situation: if you are fired, will be deducted from the university, etc. Prepare for this: refresh the resume, read the register of vacancies, pick up courses for advanced training.

• If you are worried about the last event, make out of this output (write out!) And determine what actions to do.

• Come up with yourself physical activity on the background of positive emotions: sport, hike, dancing, swimming pool, etc. Suitable and general cleaning or at least parsing the bonus.

• Visualize your experience and release it. Imagine that your problems are the carriages of the locomotive that leaves for the horizon. Either see them as a movie: On the final frames you will only stand up and leave - in a new quiet life.

To maintain the effect (as well as for the prevention), we recommend going through the course of the Wikium "Detoxification of the brain" - it will help to pacify the raging emotions, calm the mind and hear, finally herself.

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