7 ordinary rules of happy relationships

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People meet, people fall in love, marry. And it happens and diverge, and did not have time to visit the crown. Why do some steam relations add up perfectly, and they live happily soul in the soul to the end of their days. While others swear, quarrel and diverge, hardly time to engage, pointing in the column the reason for the divorce "did not compare the characters."

Yes, it is very important to find in the life of your person, having a half, with which you have a harmonious relationship, who will complement you, and you will be one.

Today in the magazine we also offer you 7 simple rules of happy relationships

Girls, take yourself a note! Following these rules, you will never be alone and you can build healthy, and most importantly happy relationships.

1. Do not compare your relationship with other couples
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Photo: nastroy.net

In the century of social networks it is hard to do. After all, how many happy photos unload your friends on their own pages. But is everything in fact so riddling and pronounced and vanitally in their lives as in the photo? You actually show one side of their life, but you will never know what is hiding behind all these happy pictures. Each couple is typical of those who have ups and falling, go through quarrels and misunderstanding, and either to stand and reconcile, or go further completely different paths.

Just alone consider the next quarrel by the sentence, while others give their relationship another chance. Never compare your chosen one with a girlfriend. Each man has its own both strengths and weaknesses. Learn to appreciate what you have here and now. And only then can you feel the true joy of life.

2. Do not listen to the Soviets from the side, act at the kettle

When your couple collides with difficulties, tips and intact recommendations will be raised on all sides. Everyone will try to teach you life, share your experience, try to insert you your mind. In such cases, it is important to remember the golden rule - each couple has its own history, their relationship and its understanding of happiness. And you do not always need to build your relationship as your mom, sister or girlfriend did. Experience is invaluable, it goes by itself, but the last word is still yours. Listen to your heart. It will not deceive.

3. Do not dedicate all your time
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Photo: Web-lady.com.

No one speaks to quit work, as it takes all your time that you could devote to your beloved. But fanatically work to the detriment of time that could be held with him, it is not worth it.

Despite how much your schedule is loaded, you need to paint the time when you can stay together: go to the cinema, invite each other for romantic dates, arrange romantic evenings at home, ride the nature on the weekend or short time under the blanket for see your favorite films . Work is not going anywhere, but your man deprived by their attention very quickly can go left from such an always busy career player.

4. Do not turn sex into something ordinary

When the passion disappears in the pair, and intimate proximity is rare, it can cause treason. If you feel that your sexual relationships on the verge, take out their resuscitation. It can be a change in the situation, erotic underwear, role-playing games at a thin end, and maybe even new postures. Do not give sex to boring routine!

5. drive negative thoughts away

It is important that your relationships would not be in pairs to always show emotions. It happens that doubts, fears and insecurity take up, and only you can prevent this. Learn to manage your negative thoughts and cope with them. Otherwise, if you give the slack and let them settle in your head and soul, risk losing self-control and breed the insecurity whether you want these relationships, if you wanted a man next to you. Men on the subconscious level feel it, remember!

6. Commit yourself vacation at least once a year
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Photo: Firestock.ru.

Of course, every couple, starting to live together, risks to get into the routine network and household problems, the solution of which requires strength and nerves. It may be repairs, work, children. Therefore, at least once a year, take time and the opportunity to quit everything, even if just a week, and make your relationship to reboot. To leave as far as possible, turn off the phones and social networks to fully enjoy each other's society. Now you will see home you will return to the full energy, forces, happy and as if re-inlets.

7. Watch you and your partner to be at one stage of the relationship.

In a pair, it often happens, she is ready for family life, wants a beautiful wedding, children, and the partner has not yet arrived and is not in a hurry to lead his chief under the crown. And build a happy relationship there is a chance of only those who can agree on common plans for the future. And there are two ways to solve the problem: start to perceive your pair as we, one, and not me and my desires, or dispay once and for all, so as not to spoil your life to each other.

Are you happy in relationships in which are currently?

Earlier in the magazine, we wrote: 10 signs that you do not like yourself (and sometimes you do not know).

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