Than dangerous batteries: everything you need to know parents

Than dangerous batteries: everything you need to know parents 23006_1

How to store and utilize batteries

We have already made a list of toys that it's time to remove from shops. But inside, it seems to be safe toys, the threat also plucked. Namely batteries. If you watched the movie "Quiet Place", then surely remember how tools can be dangerous on batteries. But even in the real world, where there are no monsters, hunting for sound, you need to make such toys with care with caution. We tell how dangerous batteries and how to protect against the threat.

Batteries proceed

If your child's toys are rapidly bored and lying around at the bottom of the box, be sure to periodically check whether everything is in order with them. After all, salt and alkaline (they are also called alkaline) batteries often proceed. Due to the battery drilled, the toy may break, but this is not the worst consequence. Finding on the skin, leaving the liquid from the batteries, will cause burns.

To get rid of the battery drinkers, put on rubber or disposable gloves, get the batteries, pack them and pass to recycling.

Not always toys should also be thrown away. Sometimes it is enough to wipe the separation for the batteries with a damp cloth, dry it and insert other batteries. Then the toy will work again.

Batteries explode

No, no, no hurry to throw out all the batteries that you have at home. Usually they do not explode and do not light up. It may occur during charging of old batteries.

You cannot charge them again, they are always written on the packaging.

Extremely rare batteries still explode by themselves, so do not leave them in unused toys for a long time.

The child can swallow the battery

Dangerous for children and those toys on batteries, with whom the child often plays. The separation for the batteries is closed loosely, open it and get the batteries for any child. And the likelihood he wants to try the batteries to taste. We have already told what to do if the child was suppressed.

But the child suffers stronger if the battery swallows, because then the chemical reaction will begin, which will cause burn. In this case, you need to turn to the hospital faster.

Clay the battery cover for scotch batteries, so the child will be more difficult to open it. Store the old and spare batteries in closed boxes away from children.

Batteries harm Nature

Against the background of all these hazards, harm to the batteries of the environment will seem insignificant, but it is important to remember him.

It is impossible to just throw batteries on the garbage. As a result, they will fall into the soil.

Objects that can explode and burn skin will not clearly become a good fertilizer. They poison the soil and groundwater.

Purchase batteries for processing

So it is important to ensure that the child does not swallow the batteries during the game, do not store them in old toys, do not charge and properly dispose of. That's right - is it like? Drive in the search engine "where to pass the batteries" and the name of your city.

You can pass them into specialized reception items, and even containers for batteries are standing in many hypermarkets and electronics stores.

You do not even have to strain and spend time to save the planet. Just take the batteries with you, when next time you go shopping, and throw them away into a special container.

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