"They are not computers": an American journalist revealed the secret of the strength of the Russian people

Photo: TenenBom / Facebook.com

American journalist and playwright Tennamba has released an article dedicated to the Russians and their lives during the coronavirus pandemic. The author of the material claims that it figured out what the main power of our country's citizens is.

Tuvia Tennamb explains why in Moscow, despite the number of cases, shops and restaurants are open. "It is impossible to keep a closed world-famous Big Theater. And they will not refuse a good Russian food, "the journalist writes and compares the Russian reality with what is happening in other countries. According to the author, people in the West overwhelms the fear of dying "today, tomorrow or next week," whereas in Russia life flows as if the Pandemic Coronavirus is not.

The tennomb said that in Moscow at the entrance to the subway, the police monitor the observance of the mask regime, but some passengers, going down to the subway, remove the masks.

Tuvia Tennomb, playwright, journalist: "Russia is another world, not the one I used to. Russia is not the West, and even the logic here is different. What is it? Sometimes it seems to me that you need to be a scientist-rocket student to understand it. "

An American said that he could not get to the service in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior due to sanitation and risk to get infected with a large crowd of people, however, noted that at the same time in Gum Gallery crowded, despite the anti-epidemiological measures, restaurants are open, in them Visitors have dinner, in public transport, too many passengers.

According to the tennobom, it all shows "living, stubborn Russian people who are ready to give up to the last". A foreigner is confident that being Russian means guided by non-cold facts and logic, but live feelings and hopes.

Tong Tennom: "They are people, not computers, and in this their power. I just wanted to relax from the permanent warnings of the media and the governments about COVID-19 and endless stories about Donald Trump, but I fall in love with the country and her people. "

The American noted the friendliness of Russians, warmth and hospitality, as well as their sense of humor.

Based on: National Review.

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