Redevelopment, fraudsters, insects: simple ways to lose housing

Redevelopment, fraudsters, insects: simple ways to lose housing 22833_1

In the apartments of Russians will soon come with inspection. Not the first week in the country there are mass raids to identify inconsistent redevelopments of apartments. If illegal redevelopment detects, then at best you will need to return everything as it was. At worst, it will reach the trial, and then the owner will be asked to move at all. But this is not the only way to lose housing.

Novokuznetsk. The neighbors of the house will be the sounds of the Bulgarian. In his apartment, her owner arranged a garbage. At this time, in Chelyabinsk, an inadequate resident of the house turned the life of neighbors to hell. And in Anapa, the fire was kept. The closure happened in the apartment in which the owner decided to make redevelopment.

What unites all these owners of bad apartments? They all have already lost or in the near future can lose their square meters.

Maxim Akinshin - Novosel and, as it turned out, a drug addict - held the whole house in fear. On one video, it can be seen how he pulls out the knife and threatens a neighbor behind the door, on the other - as it sets on the rag and wants to burn an entrance.

To settle the conflict was not peacefully. The man spoiled property, threatened. After several months of hell, the neighbors still achieved marcing Maxim from the apartment. She is put up for sale.

In the leaders of the informal rating of methods of deprivation of housing - the proceedings of the mortgage and housing and communal services. And from this no one is insured. Latvian Bank has been trying to recover almost 800 thousand euros from the king of the Russian Scene Philip Kirkorov. Mortgage loan, fines and penalties.

You can lose your accommodation at all without leaving the apartment. The mother-in-law of the famous commentator Viktor Guseva became the victim of fraudsters. Schemers have introduced themselves as employees of the Investigative Committee. They told that they catch black realtors and they need help. The pensioner must sell an apartment. She was told that everything would be fictitious. Not really. Having achieved his own, scammers called a woman and on behalf of the Investigative Committee congratulated with a successfully conducted operation.

Novel Saltovsky at all, no one called, but he gave the Moscow apartment to the resident of Ufa, who did not see the eye. Everything happened online using an electronic signature. Courts, proceedings. The apartment was returned. Black realtors did not find it. But even in obvious cases, prove the fact of fraud in court is extremely difficult.

Asia Muhamedshina, a lawyer: "Because the contract is concluded in a sober mind and common memory. Conditions by people are read. But in a state, let's say, such an euphoria, a happy future and prospects, people close their eyes to the bible terms of the contract. "

But even if a person regularly pays a mortgage, does not respond to dubious calls, he still can lose his housing. It can eat in the literal sense of the word. Doves of dwellings are considered if you hear the ticky sounds of grinder beetles that settle in wooden houses. These neighbors are able to turn the house into the trunk in a matter of months.

So, one married couple bought a dream house in the Australian Gold Coast for 500 thousand dollars in early 2020. Now almost nothing left of the house.

It would seem that this brick and concrete houses do not threaten this attack. But living in the "man" residents of megacities behave like insects. Speech - about illegal redevelopment, which can easily turn the skyscraper into the most real solid.

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