Tokayev estimated the potential of trade cooperation with Uzbekistan

Tokayev estimated the potential of trade cooperation with Uzbekistan 22819_1
Tokayev estimated the potential of trade cooperation with Uzbekistan

Kazakhstan President Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev appreciated the potential of trade cooperation with Uzbekistan. He spoke about this on January 26 at an expanded meeting of the Government of the Republic. The leader of Kazakhstan explained how a new international trade project will affect trade in Central Asia.

Today, Kazakhstan has become a priority task of ensuring food security, the President of Kazakhstan Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev, stated on the extended government meeting on Tuesday. However, its decision is impossible without high-performance agriculture and competitive processing industries.

According to the head of state, the management of Kazakhstan needs to speed up the launch of the national commodity system, which includes the construction of 24 wholesale-distribution centers.

"Today, about 90% of imports of green vegetables falls on Uzbekistan. In addition, almost all trading in this country also goes through our territory, "said Tokayev, recalling that the project of the International Center for Trade and Economic Cooperation" Central Asia "was initiated in this regard. According to him, the creation of the center should spin commodity streams, to make an opportunity to earn consistently and legally.

Earlier, the Minister of Commerce and Integration of Kazakhstan Bakhyt Sultanov stated that Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan intend to go to foreign markets together. To this end, the countries initiated the creation of the International Center for Trade and Economic Cooperation, which should ensure the transit of goods on the principle of the "green corridor". In addition, in December 2020, Uzbekistan received the status of an observer in the Eurasian Economic Union.

Also earlier it became known that the authorities of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan decided to establish cooperation in the field of tourism. For this, a special program was developed, implying simplified and unified visa regime, allowing people to move freely between states.

More about what kind of benefits to Kazakhstan and other EAEP countries is cooperation with Uzbekistan, read in the material "Eurasia.Expert".

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