Deputies and the government have been tired of participants in public hearing the unwillingness of fishermen inhabitants to unite with Saratov

Deputies and the government have been tired of participants in public hearing the unwillingness of fishermen inhabitants to unite with Saratov 22636_1
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Today, March 10, public hearings took place in Saratov on merger with the regional center of populated areas. Single and fifteen.

In the course of the implementation of the procedure, I.O. Chairman of the Saratov City Duma Anatoly Serebryakov and the First Deputy Minister for the Territorial Education of the region of Alik Sabiga. They both fully revealed the procedure for the transition of rural areas to a new status, but the main thing was utaled - the public unwillingness of residents of the village of Film to join Saratov.

Both officials (Deputy United Russia Anatoly Serebryakov operates in Gordum on a paid basis - ed. Ed.) We mentioned only about solving the local meeting of deputies, in essence, which came against the results of the direct will of the majority and supported territorial reform.

"The association of some territories of the Saratov region is not only objective process, but also to a certain degree inevitable. If this does not happen now, it will definitely happen in the future, "Sabiga emphasized.

He also noted that the association should "reduce business barriers", but which barriers did not mention.

Mayor Mikhail Isaev, who spoke about the landscaping plans for the improvement of new territories and creating modern infrastructure there.

As a result, all those present supported the merge of two rural areas with the city of Saratov.

The process of increasing the territory of the regional center is located along with the protests of the villagers and the annual failure of the obligations of the authorities of Saratov to residents of the city. In particular, only 50% of the roads of the largest municipality of the region have an asphalt coating, utilities export snow only from the central streets of the city, the storm sewage system requires full modernization, and most of the sidewalks are in unsatisfactory condition.

The authorities do not solve the problem of the lack of landscaping of yard territories in municipal schools, the mayor's office does not cope with catching dogs, garbage export, water supply, gasification, sewage construction and outdoor lighting device.

  • The hearing in the shiny was accompanied by a scandal. As a result, 67 locals voted for joining; 60 people were opposed; Abstain from voting 10 participants. In the fishing municipal formation, the votes were distributed as follows: "For" - 78, "against" - 92.
  • Before that, on January 1, 2021, the territory of the municipalities of the Red Texture and Bagaevka joined Saratov. Residents of the Alexandrovsky MO opposed the association with the regional center, although it was originally planned that this territory will be included in Saratov.
  • The head of the Saratovsky district Ivan Baboshkin announced that by the end of the year the entire municipality would be made part of the regional center. He stated that Alexandrovka would also become part of Saratov contrary to the results of the vote. Later it became known that Babychkin intends to be blocked into the regional Duma.

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