16 people made such discoveries that Einstein will envy himself


To make the discovery, it is not necessary to fly to a uninhabited island or the North Pole or read the encyclopedia by day. You can ask people around that they know interesting and unusual. Believe me, what you think is mundane, for someone can be a surprise, and vice versa.

We are confident in ADME.ru that there are thousands of things in the world that are not known to anyone. We argue, after reading our article, you will say "wow!".

Did you know that the algae nori for sushi or rolls should be frying?

16 people made such discoveries that Einstein will envy himself 226_1
© Ferdalangurin / Twitter

"Today we are preparing homework: just see how the color changed after we supported the nori over the stove for 10 seconds."

Beijing cabbage with dark spots can be

16 people made such discoveries that Einstein will envy himself 226_2
© Manomano_Farm.

Someone throws the Beijing cabbage with black dots, someone is not, but you just need to enjoy her taste. As long as the exact reasons are unknown, why the vegetable is covered with such stains, but the researchers say that it can be safe. By the way, if the cabbage is stored in the cold, and then placed in heat, it can provoke the appearance of new spots.

The letter does not always fall accent

16 people made such discoveries that Einstein will envy himself 226_3
© Svein-Magne Tunli / Wikipedia

  • We arrived in Tromso's city - emphasis on E. But in Norwegian Tromsø is read with an emphasis on the first syllable. © r0mko / twitter

The shape of PRINGLES chips invented professional engineers

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© Glane23 / Wikipedia

Chips designers used powerful computers for development and took the form that resembles the saddle. Engineers have calculated the best aerodynamics of chips so that they do not break when they are put on each other.

Avocado is not a fruit and not a vegetable

16 people made such discoveries that Einstein will envy himself 226_5
© marco.finke ~ COMMONSWIKI / Wikipedia

  • Avocado is a single berry. Do not thank. © Dillonmendez50 / Twitter

In the coconut shell you can cook

16 people made such discoveries that Einstein will envy himself 226_6
© tulasi_k_gowda / twitter

For network users, it became surprised that the girl is preparing in a coconut shell. She did went to the Indian steam pellets.

Not all the hives of wild bees such as we represented

16 people made such discoveries that Einstein will envy himself 226_7
© Regis Cavignaux / Biosphoto / Bios Photo / East News

  • Bee hives in wildlife usually do not have a stereotypical cylindrical form, and consist of a shelf. © SeductiveCheerio / Reddit

Stores sell edible bird nests

16 people made such discoveries that Einstein will envy himself 226_8
© Maisnam / Wikipedia

  • The edible bird's nest is useful for the skin: it is assumed that it contributes to the development of collagen and helps us support the youth of the skin. Why not try? © Yanwonl / Twitter

Yes, the nests of birds are valued in Chinese culture for the rarity, high nutrient content and rich taste. This is one of the most expensive products of animal origin: the price can reach $ 6.6 thousand per kilogram.

The glued frames on the windshield is an antenna

16 people made such discoveries that Einstein will envy himself 226_9
© Polkan1945 / Pikabu

In the grass, from which we did in childhood "Petushkov", there is a name

16 people made such discoveries that Einstein will envy himself 226_10
© volga_si1998 / Twitter

"Here, in my childhood, everything was simple: called the" Cockerel "or" chicken ", and now sit and learn that it is a meadow meadow with a stalk sclection."

Animators punished with the fact that we sent to work on "Shrek"

16 people made such discoveries that Einstein will envy himself 226_11
© Shrek / DreamWorks Pictures

  • DreamWorks punished his animators if their work on the Prince of Egypt was unsuccessful: they were sent to work on "Shrek". The punishment even got the name - "be screamed". © _dorathewhora_ / Reddit

16 people made such discoveries that Einstein will envy himself 226_12
© Mrzik / Pikabu

  • And also, it turns out that the cartoon was a book. © TIL_THIS_SH ** / Reddit

Elephants are excellent swimmers. They use a trunk as a diving tube

16 people made such discoveries that Einstein will envy himself 226_13
© Depositphotos.

  • I found out that the elephants are able to swim on huge distances: up to 6 hours and up to 48 km. They are so good swimmers that if they are set in water, they can rest and do not be drowned. They can also dive and use their trunk as a tube. © itsmelen / Reddit

George Clooney gave a pig girl

16 people made such discoveries that Einstein will envy himself 226_14
© White House / Pete Souza / Wikipedia

  • George Clooney bought a male Vietnamese Vistam-Bulkiy Pig, named Max as a gift to his girlfriend Actress Kelly Preston. When their relationships are over, Clooney kept a pig for another 18 years, until Max died in 2006. The actor jokingly said that with Max he had the longest relationship from all. © Tomitomo / Reddit

Firefighters in Notre Dame knew what artworks to save first of all

16 people made such discoveries that Einstein will envy himself 226_15
© Blondet ELIOT / ABACA / Abaca / East News

  • As it turned out, when steaming a fire in a notre-lady, firefighters knew which works of art would need to save and in what order. They followed the protocol developed for such a catastrophe. © Dankniss / Reddit

The idea of ​​the film "50 first kisses" has become the basis for the program to combat dementia

16 people made such discoveries that Einstein will envy himself 226_16
© 50 First Kisses / Columbia Pictures

  • Adam Sandler's film "50 first dates" inspired to create a real therapeutic program, in which every morning patients with dementia are watching a video image with support from their loved ones. © Marsnirgal / Reddit

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