Rajput - How did the conquerors of India become its defenders?

Rajput - How did the conquerors of India become its defenders? 22501_1
Rajput - How did the conquerors of India become its defenders?

Rajput, which today make up the main part of the residents of Rajasthan, live in Central India and Pakistan. In the history of India, it is possible to find a lot of examples of tribes-conquerors who carried local residents only disasters and death. Nevertheless, the people of Rajput managed to harmoniously fit into the flavor of the new location and its culture, but later became the defender of India and its population.

Their history is unpredictable and amazing, and therefore I suggest moving to get acquainted with the past and real Rajput. What does their name mean? What was the difference between the morals of these conquerors, which turned into selfless warriors of the new homeland?

"Royal" Rajput

The word "Rajput" has an ancient origin. In ancient sources, its analogue of "Rajan" is used, which is the same name called representatives of the royal dynasty. Of course, the whole people of Rajput could not belong to one or several kinds of rulers, but their very name indicates the origin of the higher caste.

During the occurrence of the ethnos, Rajput was equated to Kshatriyam - the class of warriors and statesmen. It seems to me that such a high rank of Rajput conquerors received from local residents of Northern India, where militant tribes came. Despite his harsh temper, Rajputs did not seek to enslave the indigenous population, but rather became headed by both mentors and patrons.

When did this conquest happen? Historians cannot call the exact date, and the arrival time of Rajputs falls on the I-VI century. Most of them were immigrants from Central Asia, although Indian historians argue that among Rajputs were the inhabitants of Northern India, which belonged to the caste of Warriors.

Conquerors seemed to be Indians with powerful, beautiful and fair people. As I said, they did not try to impose their faith and customs, but on the contrary they did wisely, successfully joining the new society.

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Life of Rajput kings

Rajput - compliant and wise conquerors

Brahmans played a big role in strengthening Rajput's position. They are the highest casom in India today, and in previous times were priests, which depended not only the cases of temples, but also state successes. Assessing the importance of the influence of Brahmins, Rajput's leaders realized that without the adoption of Hindu beliefs and support from representatives of religion, they would not be able to take the ruling positions.

The process of merging two peoples has passed calmly and easily. Today, Rajputs can hardly be distinguished from other Indian tribes, although in our time they are distinguished by high growth and beautiful features of the face.

The irony of Fate Rajput, originally speaking as foreign invaders, became a support of Indian culture. From the IX century, the Islamization process of Northern India begins. The Rajput tribal power centers became an obstacle for a new religion, threatened to destroy past traditions.

There are a lot of glorious stories about the exploits of the Pratihara clan, about the courage and dedication of Rajput warriors. The story knows a few cases of Jauhara. So called the ritual of mass suicide. Rajputs were resorted to him only in extreme cases when they were surrounded by the enemy and did not have a chance to win. Like true warriors, they preferred death to captivity.

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Indian Rajputs from Delhi

Rajput - Defenders of India

By the XIV century, a powerful Sultanate is formed in Delhi, which threatens to destroy the islands of the statehood of Rajput. It would seem that the people hiding in the deserts and the jungle, there was no chance, but no. Rajput managed not only to resist the onslaught of Islamic conquerors, but also strengthened their positions.

Harding, their small kingdoms began to become stronger, after which Rajput managed to unite their lands into a single whole, a kind of unlawful state, which successfully opposed the enemy.

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Group of men-Rajput. FTograph Eugene Clutherbak Imp

However, not always success accompanied people. After the defeat at Khana, the representatives of Rajput's nobility had to enter the service to the Great Mogola, which guaranteed the safety of their autonomy. The calm interaction of different cultures lasted for a short time.

During the reign of Sultan Aurangseeb, Rajputs begin to test pressure from the authorities, there is a violent appeal to Islam, the temples are rebuilt into the mosque, the rights of Hinduism are opposed. And again Rajputs rebel against the negle, protecting the culture, which has already become native to them. According to historians, it was Rajput Bunks and constant clashes with them led by the Mogoli Empire to decline.

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Russian Rajput

During the period of British government, the territory of Rajputov was called Rajputan, and after the achievement of India independence was renamed Rajasthan. Today, this region is popular with tourists. Not least, this is due to the responsive and friendly temper of local residents - Rajput. They are always welcome travelers and foreigners that come with good intentions. As the story confirms, strangers who want to capture the land of Rajputs, they are not delayed for a long time.

Having become acquainted with the state of Rajasthan and its inhabitants, involuntarily start respecting their faith, devotion to traditions, patriotism and the desire to improve their small world. Rajput really love their homeland, and now it is difficult to submit that a long time ago this people felt someone else's stranger in these picturesque and interesting edges.

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