Strawberry - 5 steps to an unprecedented crop


    Good afternoon, my reader. We will delight the berries with rich fruiting if some agrotechnical techniques competently observe. Especially appreciated by the gardeners of strawberries (so called some large-scale species of plants from the kind of strawberry). To obtain an unprecedented abundant harvest of sweet fragrant berries of this culture, you will need to perform only 5 basic events.

    Strawberry - 5 steps to an unprecedented crop 224_1
    Strawberry - 5 steps to the unprecedented crop Maria Verbilkova

    Landing strawberries especially need nutrient elements. In the period when fresh leaves begin to appear, the young annual bushes are prepared in a 10-liter container with water from 2 tbsp. l. Cowboat and twice the number of sodium sulfate. It will be necessary for each bush pour a liter nourishing liquid bank.

    The next feeding is performed before the appearance of the first buds. Apply a mineral complex, including magnesium, in accordance with the instructions of the instruction.

    For two-year plants, the identical scheme is practiced, but before carrying out the soil, the soil is neatly loosened and two glasses of wood ash are added to square. meter. Fertilizer is required during flowering. It is recommended to practice extractive feeding at this stage. Prepare for spraying solution of zinc sulfate with a concentration of 0.02%.

    Strawberry landings require competent water application at different stages of development:

    • For young bushes before blossoming practice sprinkling. On average, it is carried out every 6-7 days. If the weather is hot and arid, then you will need to perform the procedure twice a week.
    • At the stage of the appearance of buds and ripening, the strawberries are watered under the root with an interval of 10 days, if the weather is installed warm without rains. It will be necessary for every square. Meter 30 l of water.
    • With long-term hot and dry weather, watering perform every 3-4 days, not allowing cracking of dried soil. To preserve moisture, landing can be meditated using spruce opead.
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    Strawberry - 5 steps to the unprecedented crop Maria Verbilkova

    If the strawberry is grown on agrovolok, then it is enough to water it every 10 days from the hose.

    It is important to practice events that reduce the intensity of evaporation of moisture from the soil. Most often, the mulch is carried out for this purpose, which solves several tasks:
    • Holds water in the soil;
    • contributes to the reduction in irregular frequency;
    • slows down the growth of weed herb;
    • protects berries from pollution, as they do not come into contact with the ground;
    • allows you to quickly warm the soil;
    • Protects strawberry landings from diseases.

    The mulch uses coniferous opead, wood chips and sawdust, chopped straw, newspaper paper, cardboard, black agrofiber. Perform a layer with a thickness of up to 5 cm.

    The strawberry will please the abundance of incredibly fragrant berries if the plants will receive moisture and nutritional compounds in sufficient amount.

    Many varieties of this culture, starting from the spring period, a large amount of mustache is formed. They gradually stronger, rooted, distracting part of the plants important for the vital activity and active fruiting substances. Timely removal of the mustache strengthens the plant. Leave if required, only sockets for subsequent reproduction.

    Strawberry - 5 steps to an unprecedented crop 224_3
    Strawberry - 5 steps to the unprecedented crop Maria Verbilkova

    Get a plentiful harvest of high-quality berries will be able to be able to prevent the advent of malicious insects or the development of dangerous diseases on strawberry landings.

    Main types of infections:

    • Fusariosis, phytoofluorosis. Prevent these fungal diseases will allow strawberry transplant to a new area with an interval of 4 years. Use a healthy planting material. All bushes with signs of lesions are digging and burned.
    • Gray rot. It will help to protect ripening berries from hazardous disease Mulching soil with coniferous needles, chilled straw.
    • Puffy dew. In the period before flowering spray strawberry beds with copper vitrios, using 30 g of preparation on 15 liters of water. Add some grated soap to the solution.
    • Spottedness - white, brown. To prevent development on strawberry bushes of these species of fungal infections, we need to remove weeds and dry leaves. You can irrigate the above-ground part "Metoldoxil" or "Falcon". The working solution is prepared according to the instructions.

    Strawberry pests:

    • Cobbled tick. Before flowering, strawberry landings are irrigated by the "carbofos". Use 60 g of the drug on 10 liters of liquid. Cover for 3 hours of plants with a film.
    • Nematode. It is impossible to squeeze strawberries on the plots with signs of the presence in the soil of this pest. The affected bushes immediately dig and destroy.
    • Strawberry tick. It will allow to prevent the development of this malicious insect processing colloid gray, conducted in the spring. 14-15 days before the start of flowering, the drug "Neon" is used.
    • Weevil, sawwall. The struggle against these wintering pests in the soil involves conducting systematic loosenings. The soil treatment "chlorofosoma" will help using a two-percent solution.
    • Aphid. Perfectly scares this sucking pest in the infusion, for which two heads of garlic need to be cleaned and pour the liter of cold water. After a weekly instead, a lesion liquid for spraying plants is used.

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