"We work with animals for whom they want the same level of medicine as for family members." Veterinarian from Zelenograd Ekaterina Rachinskaya was elected to the rule of the National Veterinary Chamber. We talked to her


The director of the Zelenograd vetlinika "Radenis" Ekaterina Rachinskaya became part of the Board of the National Veterinary Chamber. "Zelenograd.ru" talked to her about problems in the field of veterinary medicine dogs and cats: why did the doctors make it harder to receive drugs for treatment, as animal owners can force a doctor to leave the profession and whether to equate gruces to veterinarians, as the government wants, is a step in Middle Ages .

Ekaterina Rachinskaya

What is the National Veterinary Chamber

- The National Veterinary Chamber is a self-regulatory organization created ten years ago by a group of advanced clinics who wanted to increase the professional level of veterinary medicine in our country. Abroad to consist in such an organization regulating all the activities of veterinary doctors, be sure to, otherwise, the specialist has no right to work. In Russia, this approach is not yet common: there are similar organizations, for example, for notaries, evaluations and arbitration, for veterinary medicine - no.

Now the clinics, members of the National Veterinary Chamber, are voluntary, because they want to improve the situation in our country, help with the development of professional standards and improving the quality of veterinary doctors. The members of the board run by those who have a desire and ideas who are ready to invest (because the work is completely on the public basis) and implement their ideas. Each candidate must submit its program and summary. It should be a person with a veterinary education involved in practical activities in the field of veterinary and, desirable, already having any results in this activity.

Specifically, I set itself such tasks: promoting and increasing the prestige of the profession in society, increasing the literacy of veterinary doctors in the field of communication with people (animal owners), distribution among them with current knowledge on the content of animals and their treatment. Now, when the Board is already beginning to work, I was included in the Development Committee, I will work with the media.

Relationship with the state: "We work in legislative vacuum"

If we talk about the problems of the veterinary medicine of small pets (dogs and cats) in terms of relations with the state, we work in legislative vacuum. Almost all legislative acts in the veterinary sphere describe the situation with animals that are used for the production of milk or meat. And we work with animals that are social partners of a person, people perceive them with members of their family and want for them the same level of medicine as for themselves.

But from this point of view, the state of animals does not consider practically. Of course, we have a law on humane attitude to animals, but it does not work. It is almost impossible to achieve the involvement of a person to justice, we ourselves have tried several times, we didn't even accept the statement in the police.

Generally there is no legislative framework for the use of animal medicines: in fact, only veterinary drugs can be used now, and there are very few of them on the market. We just can not be treated if we use only them. For example, we do not have the ability to use normal painkillers that really work and which all over the world are used in veterinary medicine completely calmly. In the Czech Republic, in Germany opioids (narcotic analgesics) stand in the lockers, any anesthesiologist can take them, no special license or complex legal television conditions for this. We also have the use of narcotic drugs so regulated that you can get a license and work on it can. Because of this, it is possible to achieve complete pain relief animal in all cases.

In addition, now all medical drugs should be taken into account in the [labeling drugs to track from the manufacturer to the buyer] "honest sign", but no one thought that veterinary doctors also use medical drugs. Accordingly, veterinary clinics should also be able to buy such drugs, but now we are deprived of this opportunity, veterinary pharmacies simply do not have the right to connect to this system "honest sign". To do this, have a license for medical pharmaceutical activities, that is, to open a medical pharmacy. We tried to pay attention to this problem, but so far unsuccessfully.

The Veterinary Chamber is trying to communicate with state structures to convey the problems of the industry so that they are solved, and decided to give doctors the opportunity to do their jobs to do in the legal field.

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Relationships with the owners: "If the dog did not recover in two days - it means they were badly treated!"

Another problem is that people often do not perceive the branches seriously, do not apply to them as respectful as medical professionals. For some reason, it is considered, rather, the craft, although the work of a veterinary doctor is not less, and maybe more complex, because the animal can say nothing and it is necessary to examine it very carefully. For this, the clinic is purchasing expensive equipment, the same as for doctors, at the same prices.

This is a difficult profession in which it also needs to learn all your life. In the course of the work, veterinary doctors often face disrespect, distrust: if the dog did not recover in two days - it means they were badly treated!

Another nuance: animals, although they are animated, according to the law are considered property. Therefore, clinics fall under the actions of the Consumer Protection Act, and for doctors is a big problem. For example, you should not damage the property on this law, but when you are doing an operation, the outcome can be different, all this understands, doctors minimize the risks, in our many other clinics on all operations a anesthesiologist works: but if misfortune happens, the law you have already broken .

But this is not the worst: a person can make a decision to put the animal that you can just cure, for this you just need money, or a person has no time, there is no desire to do this. He makes a decision to put it on, and you can't do anything about it, it is his property. For example, the owners ask to put a puppy with diarrhea, because tomorrow they will fly away to relax, they have been booked with housing, they have no time puppy. Doctors from this very much suffer, people usually go to the profession who love animals, and such situations become one of the reasons for leaving the profession.

Problems of profession: "There are no mandatory treatment standards in Russia"

We have a very low quality of education, in this direction we as a national veterinary chamber also work. Higher education standards completely do not correspond to reality, a person at the end of study receives only a piece of paper, access to the profession and nothing more knowledge is practically zero. Veterinary universities are even managed by the Ministry of Agriculture, and not formation. Because of this, clinics, in addition to their main work, have to be engaged in the training of employees.

In addition, in Russia, in principle, there are no standards for treating and diagnostics, mandatory veterinarians. Every person who has a diploma can be treated as it seems necessary. For example, if he studied on the textbooks of the 50s and no more courses visited, no court would prove that with his methods of treatment something is wrong. The National Veterinary Chamber is established in order to develop modern standards of profession that correspond to the achievements of science.

At the same time, the state is currently developing a new professional standard for which the gruces can be equated to veterinary doctors. The danger here is that the gruces will be able to write recipes, give assignments and actually replace the branch. This very much dismisses our profession: one thing when a person has received his education for six years, visits regularly seminars, courses, and the other when a person has studied several months at the courses of the grucers.

We are concerned about this initiative because they are engaged in this different people with a different level of training and responsibility. For example, drummers are completely and near the dogs with dogs, and this is a huge problem. They take off the visible raid, improve the appearance of the mouth, and all, and this stone causes a lot of dental problems, but they remain unclear to the owner, and the dog will not say anything about it. This is a bear service. We are trying to fight it, enlighten, and here on you: if the standard is accepted, all their actions will be equated to the actions of the doctors, it's a step back, to the Middle Ages, when the teeth were removed in the trenches.

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