Absinthe Boulevard: Brand History and Taste Features


Czech Republic is one of the few countries where the legendary absinthe is legally produced in large quantities. Drink literally enveloped by legends. Why not start your acquaintance with absinthe from the Czech brand Boulevard? The drink produces a famous company that has long been present on the market. This inspires confidence. Let's talk about Abbezza Boulevard.

Brand history

The absinthe manufacturer Boulevard is a large company Palirna U Zeleneho Stromu, founded in the city of simplest. At enterprises belonging to it, not only absinthe, but also other spirits - for example, several types of liquor, fruit brandy and vodka. In the entire history of its existence, the company changed its name a couple of times. But in 2017, the historical name was returned to her - Palirna U Zeleneho Stromu. And all thanks to a merger with a large liquor-vodka Czech plant operating from 1518, - The Green Tree Distillery.

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The Boulevard brand itself is presented on the market since the end of the 20th century. The bottle changed its design several times. But its contents remained the same - all the same recipes and fortress. Not so long ago, the drink has already ceased to produce, but it is still present on sale.

The features of the Absusta Boulevard

Boulevard is positioned by the manufacturer as an abspenter category Premium. And this is reminded of a very decent price tag - about 1600-2000 rubles. For the standard volume of 0.7 liters. You can find a lot of reviews that say that such a high cost is clearly not in taste. There are many exactly the same "average" abspenses, but with a much lower price tag.

The basis of the Boulevard recipe - wormwood. The composition is supplemented with other herbs that make a taste bouquet of more multifaceted, - Lacricians, Diagel, Coriander, AIR, etc. Thermal ingredients are insured on first-class grain alcohol - at least, so declares the brand itself.

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The drink is light-emerald color - everything is believed if the case applies to absinthe. Fortress - 70%. Taste is quite standard for alcohol this class. The bouquet is well distinguishable wormwood, fresh mint and coriander. The finishes appear tart spices. In the aroma, herbal motifs are revealed. The brand itself claims that Boulevard is a very soft absinthe. Such a statement will not prevent from some shares of skepticism. The alcohol fortress is 70% of the in itself can not be gentle. The burning bitterness in the use of absinthe in its pure form will certainly be felt! And very much. Some multifaceted bouquet should not be expected to be expected - it is simply not to feel with such a high alcohol content.

To remove excessive bitterness, absinthe is usually used in this way - we melm the sugar cube and introduce the resulting caramel into a stack with alcohol. A little sweet will not precisely hurt this drink. In addition, it will advantageously emphasize a spicy herbal bouquet of Boulevard. And this absinthe can be combined with juices - try. The manufacturer advises a mix of alcohol with orange and pineapple Fresh. You can use and sweet gas production - experiment with tastes. But no matter how you drank absinthe, does not hurt a dense snack. At least in order to be quickly noted. Let it be meat, for example.

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And of course, the absinthe is a well-known component for making cocktails. Boulevard, just shacking its high fortress, is great for these purposes. What mixers are to order in the bar? Hiroshima with Sambuky, Absinthe Sour with lemon juice and sugar syrup, shine with coffee liqueur, rastafari with red bitter, apple temptation with ginger beer and apple juice. In the cocktails, this alcohol is not felt, because of which, many not like absinthe.

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