How to recognize fraudsters on dating sites: Tips for psychologists

How to recognize fraudsters on dating sites: Tips for psychologists 22266_1

On the eve of the day of all lovers, the experts told how not to get into the chain of scatters in search of love on dating sites.

According to experts, the alarming signals should be too good and the correct way of a potential lover on the site, as well as its intention to speed up the development of relations. In addition, unexpected requests should be alert and too personal questions.

Doctor of Psychological Sciences Galina Soldatova considers one of the main fraudulent techniques an attempt to cause a strong emotional reaction from a potential victim.

Galina Soldatova: "Most fraudulent messages contain such a message: a threat to the well-being of loved ones, the promise of a large cash benefit, an unexpected inheritance, a win-win lottery. Compliments can cause exactly the same emotional splash, especially with personal circulation. "

According to Dr. Psychological Sciences Alexander Tkostov, fraudsters on dating sites look too good and right. They want to get lost in confidence, then to get something. At first he will try to please, and then something will ask, the expert believes. "Therefore, it is worth alert, if everything goes too well and too fast," said Thostov.

In addition, fraudsters try to speed up events. Therefore, one of the most obvious signs of deception can be considered an intentional hurry in the development of relations. Specialists urge to pay attention to the online behavior of the interlocutor, and stopping communication as soon as the events "begin to force."

How to recognize fraudsters on dating sites: Tips for psychologists 22266_2
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Experts note that the probability of getting into the network of fraudsters depends in many respects from the psychological warehouse of a person. Careful person or people who are fascinating such types of dating have less chances to please in trouble. Also similar risks are subject to vain people. They love when they are praised when they admire them. This is their weakness that scammers read, which "work" on weaknesses.

Based on: RIA Novosti.

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