How to act on people and not afraid? Presentation. How to read a report? Part 1

How to act on people and not afraid? Presentation. How to read a report? Part 1 22254_1
Photo: Depositphotos.

"And not written to read, so that there was a fool of it!" - Peter I said about the rapporteurs and was, of course, in my royal right. After all, the word of the king is the law, and argue with him - neither. So we will not argue, but let's talk a little about oratorical art.

It would seem - what's the problem? There is the text of the report, the conviction that everything written in it is true truth, the language is in order, the throat does not hurt, the speech is rehearsed so that it just bounces from the teeth - you can go to the audience.

If! How many times have you had to watch how people who feel wonderful in any company, freely talking on any topics, sociable and cheerful, suddenly lose if they need to say about the public. While everything is happening in private - everything goes great, it is only worth appearing a droplet of the official - and stop! The car does not go anywhere, stands on the side of the road, sadly by darling the headlights. Wheels are lowered, there is no spawn, and the pump does not work.

The person goes to the stands, trying to tell what he knew perfectly, what he was doing every day, but something incoherent was obtained. His knees are trembling, sticky sweaty jets are thrown on his back, the heart knocks somewhere in her throat and clearly intends to leave the body forever. The language is brazed, in the mouth heats, he continuously licks her lips and clings to something with his hands - as a last resort, if it was not enough for something, it is trying to stay for your own pockets.

How to act on people and not afraid? Presentation. How to read a report? Part 1 22254_2
Photo: Depositphotos.

Listeners, sorry unfortunate, do whatever, just do not listen. They don't even look. After all, from each glance, the poor speaker nervously shudders and his appearance becomes such that he is about to faint. Why torment a person in vain?

Do you think - exaggeration? Not very strong.

Once, in distant student times, I happened to listen to a number of lectures on the subject, the name of which is no longer important. But what is important is the manner of reading these lectures by the teacher. He read on a piece of paper, bolding into her nose. The eye has never raised, I was afraid to look at the audience. Moreover, he read exactly what was written in the textbook. Up to the commas. Moreover, he even dictated punctuation signs.

Lord, how do students scoff at him! On the board he was always expected by caricature, he could never find chalk - hid "grateful" students, and the sponge was so impregnated with water that when trying to erase the arrogant drawing, the unfortunate teacher instantly turned out to be in wet pants. Under the legs of the chair, Burtolet salt was put up - she perfectly exploded while trying to sit down. The explosion was not so strong to spoil furniture, but it is sufficient that moisture on trousers can become not only water. Students having fun.

Then students were tired of students and ceased to pay attention to the teacher. He tagged there something behind the department, well, the flag in his hands and the tram towards. Its' his job. But no one heard what exactly the teacher is trying to convey to the audience. After some time, it was already indifferent - whether he reads the textbook out loud, whether something new was invented. He still did not listen. The subject, of course, did not know anyone, except for some enthusiasts who learned him on their own.

How to act on people and not afraid? Presentation. How to read a report? Part 1 22254_3
Photo: Depositphotos.

Do not like this teacher. He was an unfortunate man and simply afraid of reading lectures. Students inspired him indescribable horror. And his fears were completely not connected with the subject of lectures - the subject just he knew perfectly. But all his troubles were that he was afraid to perform! Fear of the audience tied his tongue with the sea node, and everything that he was capable of reading someone else's textbook guarantees him from errors.

From inability to perform in front of the audience and where as the worst incidents. Recall at least the opening of the tram in the city of Stargorod, so vividly described by Ilfom and Petrov:

Gavrilin began his speech well and simply: "Tram build," he said, "this is not a shop." In the crowd suddenly heard a loud laughter of the Osta Bender. He appreciated this phrase. Engraved with admission, Gavrilin, without understanding why, suddenly spoke about the international situation. He tried several times to put his report on tram rails, but he noticed with horror that he could not do this. Words by themselves, against the will of the speaker, there were some international ones. After Chamberlain, to whom Gavrilin paid half an hour, the American Senator Bora came to the international arena. Crowd of the crust ... The broken Gavrilin was not good to responded about Romanian boyars and switched to Mussolini. And only by the end of speech, he overwhelmed his second international nature and spoke to good business words ...

Psychologists say that most people are afraid of public speeches even stronger than death. So, if you have such a problem, do not worry - you are not alone.

What to do?..

Well, not so much scary, as it appears at first sight. First you need to figure it out: why is this happening? Why is the person who has just uttered in front of his familiar flame speech, full of stunning sharpness, magnificent facial expressions and gesticulation, hitting the stands, is not able to repeat the same thing and hardly pushes out of himself who became suddenly naughty phrases. Why does his hands hang, sharpness look helpless, and a painful grimace froze on the face.

How to act on people and not afraid? Presentation. How to read a report? Part 1 22254_4
Photo: Depositphotos.

Mostly it is fear. Almost panic horror. Will's forces are enough for not to escape before the performance, do not bother into some kind of angle. This Will is withdrawn by a person on stage, but there throws lonely and trembling. The speaker opens his mouth, she was going to pronounce the introductory phrase, and the thought beats the thought "everything was gone!", Fear covers it, and the remnants of the will of the will hold on the stage, not allowing you to slow down the microphone and score in the hysterics.

But what is the limit associated with? Where does he come from?

First of all, due to ideas, the implementation of which is fundamentally impossible. He wants himself to like everyone and everyone, so much so that his speech was absolutely successful, dreaming about the one hundred percent achievement of the goal of the speech. And at the same time - does not trust his own listeners. Of course, such thoughts are displaced in the subconscious and begin to manifest themselves in the form of anxiety.

It should be understood that failure can also be useful - for example, from the point of view of error analysis - and the alarm will disappear. If you tune in to the idea "Failure is also good!" - You can calm down and stop being afraid.

And really, what is already afraid? Well, failure. Is it like that? In any situation there are two sides, and in failure - too. It is necessary to find a positive in failure. Believe me, it is not difficult if you want to think about it.

How to act on people and not afraid? Presentation. How to read a report? Part 1 22254_5
Photo: Depositphotos.

If the positive is not - be afraid! Fear so that you shake hands and shaking your knees, so that the sweat was wet clothes, so that the teeth were knocking. When the fear of the scene comes to the limit, think: what are you really afraid of? People in the hall? But it's funny! These are people, not wild animals, not lions, not panthers, and not even cats. They do not bite and do not scratch. Believe me that no one will eat you - and you will have nothing to be afraid.

By eliminating fear, you can begin to learn to speak. Yes, of course, it seems that we are learning this in a gentle age, hardly choosing from the diaper. But no! Then we learn only to pronounce words. To speak, especially in front of the audience, another task.

To be continued…

Author - Sofia Vagan

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