What to pamper petunia


    Good afternoon, my reader. Petunia refers to universal floral plants - in the Latin Petunia, which perfectly decorates not only garden sites, but also verandas, balconies, premises. For breeding as potted culture, predominantly hybrids are used.

    What to pamper petunia 2219_1
    What to pamper petunia maria verbilkova

    Popia popularity has won, thanks to bright major buds with a variety of color. They look excellently against the background of numerous leaves, diverse in size and configuration, with a sutured surface and solid edges. To ensure long flowering, it is important to know what conditions this culture prefers.

    Regardless of where the flower is planted (on a flowerbe or in the role of potted culture), it is necessary to take into account its features and preferences. Petunia responds to care abundant and long blossoms. Just follow several agrotechnical rules:

    • Considering the development of a strong root system, a sufficient amount of soil is provided for planting petunia. If plants are assumed to grown in a pot, then it will be necessary for one instance capacity of not lower than 5 liters.
    • Petunia makes high requirements for systematic making nutritional mixtures. After the seedlings passes the picking stage, the first feeder spend 2 weeks after 2 weeks. During this period, a young plant requires fertilizer with a predominance of nitrogen. When the first buds appear, potash-phosphoric fertilizers are used. In addition to root feeders, the extra-green spraying of solutions rich in microelements is practiced.
    • Petunia is very sensitive to iron deficiency. If the lack of this element is formed in the soil, the leaves begin to shrust, which adversely affects the external decoration of the plant. In such a situation, the chelate of iron contributes three or four times, respecting the five-day interval between procedures. Alternate root and extraordinary types of feeding.
    • Developing as Petunia has been consistent with a systematic abundant irrigation, but without soiling the soil. Control so that the soil does not drive much. It will benefit with a decrease in evaporation mulching the surface of grass, bevelled to the formation of seeds. Use also chopped straw or hay.
    • Promotes the elongation of the flowering period Timely removal of buds that have already been brought. And also this procedure ensures the preservation of the magnificent decorative characteristics of the plant.
    • Eliminate excessive stretching of the stems will allow the sepillary that is performed above the third sheet. As a result, a compact magnificent bush is gradually formed. If ampelous varieties are grown for vertical design, the sepillary is practically not required.
    What to pamper petunia 2219_2
    What to pamper petunia maria verbilkova

    When organizing the right care, having a magnificent décor of Petunia will rip the flowering colorful carpet of flower beds, decorates verandas, balconies, any kind of premises for a long time.

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