Evening Novostroy.su: Comfort "Freezing" of prices for apartments, a new station will appear in St. Petersburg, but not the subway, and where to earn almost 80 thousand rubles per month


The primary housing market is preparing for cooling, experts are sure, in the current year the rise in prices for apartments will be within inflation. Pulkovsky heights began to design a new railway station. Meanwhile, the salary of builders in the city rose by 29%, and the demand for working hands rose 2.5 times. Read about it and other news in the digest of February 17.

About the weather. The rise in prices for real estate in Russia in 2021 will slow down and will be within inflation, predicts the "Square meter".

"In 2021, the rise in real estate prices in Russia will slow down and in general will not exceed the inflation rate of 4%. This will be facilitated by stabilization of the level of mortgage rates, reducing investment demand for real estate and increasing the input of new housing, "experts note.

True, who is now interested in such "little things", in St. Petersburg in 2020, prices for apartments in new buildings rose by more than 20%.

New turn. Vladimir Putin promised to entrust the government to deal with the problem of black brokers in the residential real estate market.

As the Vice-President of the Russian Guild of Realtors Konstantin Aprelev, the volume of fraudulent transactions and subsequent legal proceedings on the Russian real estate market over the past five years grew by 30-40%. In total, about 800 real estate companies are registered in Russia, in which about 16 thousand people work.

Vicious circle. Due to the decline in the activity of developers, in St. Petersburg, in 2021, the lack of primary housing is expected, "Alpha Faberge" is reported. As analysts noted, urban developers in 2020 received only 49 permits for the construction of the LCD in St. Petersburg - this is 45% less than the results of the previous year, and in more than five times less than the 2018 indicators.

We will see the results in 2021, they believe in Alpha Faberge, - the offer of new buildings will continue to decline, but not yet critical, but in 2022, St. Petersburg will face a serious decrease in new construction. Obviously, such an outcome will be another catalyst for the growth of prices for "squares" in the city.

Top specialty. In Russia, the demand for builders took 2.5 times in early 2021, the service to find the work of Worki. The salary of builders also increased - on average, 33% to 47.6 thousand rubles. Builders in St. Petersburg receive the highest salary: an average of 71.8 thousand - for the year it rose by 29%. Unprecedented indexation in the crisis, office clerks should be thought out.

Put on rails. The North-West Suburban Passenger Company announced a competition for the construction of the Pulkovskie Epos Railway Station, NSP reports.

According to the task, completing work to be done until December 31, 2021. Contractor need to build two platforms and two passenger pavilion, as well as a pedestrian bridge over the paths. Starting price - 288.6 million rubles. The contract with the winner will sign until the end of March and it should immediately begin work.

About the station spoke long ago. Back in 2006, the appearance of the platform was provided for the project planning project. It will allow the inhabitants of Pulkovsky heights in 25 minutes without traffic jams to get to the Baltic station.

Note that now 12 low-rise residential complexes have already been built in the location, five more LCD are built. As noted in NSP, Land Lord "Center of Development" belongs to an even more than 300 hectares here, on which he plans to build 1.5 million "squares" of real estate.

Evening Novostroy.su: Comfort
Coming "Frost" of prices for apartments

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