Globus, "Alphabet of Taste", "Auchan" and "Crossroads" entered the top 4 vendors of the organic


The production and sales of organic products received a new growth stimulus in connection with the pandemic and the formation of the regulatory framework, but so far the proportion of the organic companies in total sales remains insignificant. In many ways, the development of the market for organic products depends on the position of large networks, the Executive Director of the National Organic Union Oleg Mironenko, who spoke at the sectoral Business Forum Catman Russia 2021.


Mikele Designer / Pixabay

The Federal Law on Organic Products in Russia, which has entered into force on January 1, 2020, gave the market for great development prospects, but so far the expectations were not justified: the sales of organic products last year amounted to only € 192 million, in comparison with Germany, where the organications are sold For € 10 billion, this share is negligible. Only 1% of Russians consume organic products. Russian lag from the European Organic Market is estimated at about 20-30 years.

Finally, the Russian organic product appeared on the shelf, first of all it is meat and milk, but so far few producers are engaged in the production of organic products: 135 certificates have been issued. Federal networks are the main channel for the sale of organic products: for 11 networks, officially declared the development of an organic shelf, accounts for more than 50% of sales. In the top 4, the vendors of the organicians entered the Globus, "Azbuka taste", "Ashhan", "Crossroads".

Specialized stores sell about 20% of all organic products. The most actively such shops are developing in Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Shulgino, Reutov, Yaroslavl.

The online channel was traditionally not considered suitable for the sale of organic products, but the pandemic changed these ideas: in 2020, more than 15% of organic products were sold online.

According to the forecast of the National Organic Union, by 2035 there is an increase in the share of Russian organic products in world production to 10%, production growth is up to € 20-25 billion.

Earlier it was reported that meat and bread from insects will appear in Russian stores.

The network of healthy nutrition stores "LifeMart" has increased the annual revenue by almost 6 times.

Valeria Mironova,

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