The All-Russian Final OrgHim-Championship of Russia for mini-football passed in the Nizhny Novgorod region

The All-Russian Final OrgHim-Championship of Russia for mini-football passed in the Nizhny Novgorod region 22112_1

From March 9 to March 24, matches of the final stage of the All-Russian Final Orghim-Championship of Russia for mini-football (futsal) among teams of players 2003-2010 were held in the Nizhny Novgorod region. R. All matches, and these are 294 games, broadcast live, told the Ministry of Sports of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

The competition was organized by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, the Russian Football Union (RFU) and the Association of Mini-Football Mini-Football (AMFR). At the regional level, the competition of the competition was entrusted to the Football Federation of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, the project - Biochemical Holding "Orghim" - the title sponsor of All-Russian tournaments among young men and girls for three years.

In total, 105 teams fought for the medals - the winners of the qualifying stages in their regions and federal districts. These are about 1.5 thousand young athletes and their coaches from all 8 federal districts of the Russian Federation, 53 cities and regions of the Russian Federation. The maximum representation remains for the Moscow region (11 teams), St. Petersburg and the Sverdlovsk region (10 teams), as well as the Nizhny Novgorod region (9 teams).

Nizhny Novgorod athletes were raised twice over the head championships: the Vadagro team (Vad, Nizhny Novgorod Region) won the Gold in the age category among the young men U16 (2005-2006), and the "Normanochka U12" team representing the mini Football club "Torpedo", became the winner among the girls 2009-2010 r. Two more Torpedo teams became vice-champions: "Normanochka U14" and "Normanochka U18" won "silver" in age categories among girls 2007-2008. and 2003-2004 r. respectively. The girls from the team "Lightning U16" (Kulebaki, Nizhny Novgorod region) won the "Bronze" of the "Orghaim championship of Russia" in the age category 2005-2006 r.

"Competitions under the auspices of the Association of Mini-Football Mini-Football, which took place in the Nizhny Novgorod region, gave impetus to the development of not only mini-football, but also football as a whole. The increase in the number of mini-football athletes in our region, I think is just a huge. It's nice that this trend is noticeable not only in Nizhny Novgorod, but also in the areas of the region, "said Artem Efremov, Minister of Sports of the Nizhny Novgorod region. "Despite the pandemic and all difficulties, it was possible to organize competitions with the participation of 105 teams, in good halls, with excellent judging, with direct broadcasts. It will remain with children for life, "said Nikolai Khovov, Director General of the Biochemical Holding" Orghim ".

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