"Disassemble to people for a penny." In the State Property Committee reported, for how much abandoned village houses will sell


Own house in the village is the topic that occupies the minds of many Belarusians. More than once, Alexander Lukashenko was expressed about this. So, at the beginning of June last year, he agitated the people not to abandon the inadlines. "If there are abandoned - buy them. This is a penny today. Tomorrow you can pee these sites, "he said, charging officials to work on simplifying conditions for the acquisition of sites outside the cities.

In the fall of the 2020th, launching NPP, Lukashenko returned to this topic again: "We have a sea of ​​good farms, a village. And in these villages a lot of empty estates. You need these empty estates, unclean areas to distribute people for a penny. " And so, it seems, the time of distribution for a penny came. Yesterday in the evening air of the TV channel, the Chairman of the State Committee on Property, Dmitry Matusevich, voiced the following.

- more interesting for citizens, I think that our legislative initiative, which is aimed at the formation of a more advanced order [implementation] of so-called dilapidated, empty houses in rural areas, said Dmitry Matusevich, specifying that the corresponding draft decree was prepared and agreed with all interested. - It will indeed be provided with certain powers. The most important thing is a simplified order. For example, in some localities it will be allowed to sell such an object at once over one basic value (or 29 rubles at the moment. - Note Onliner). There should be a very thin border between the interests of the previous owners, which are already not really useful and do not want, or maybe they have some reasons why they do not care for their property and the land plot. We are trying to resolve qualitatively.

In the State Property Committee, it is believed that the last word in the realization of abandoned houses will be behind the local authority - "because they manage on the ground see the situation."

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