"Cooking food is always about love"


Never used so much ready meal ...

I never used so much ready meal. With the birth of the face, I began to order food delivery home so often that the couriers knew me in the face - this is Katya from the eighth floor, she takes two business lunches.

Then we moved, and I did not get comforted here, so ... Hi, dumplings, dumplings, chinkiali, pasta and five-minute recipes! "Mr. Brown" - fast bean soup from canned, and an even simple hearty salad, which lech geologist told me, and Lavash Lavash Lavash, and a homemade Sab (like a sabava, only from the refrigerator) and an egg burger, wearing a scuba name " Bitch ". Yes, I am preparing and "normal" food - long soups, porridge, casserole, but there are periods when they are enough only on Löhin Salad, dumplings and "bitch".

At these moments I feel fatigue towards cooking. She descends on me with tiny feelings and snowflakes, and here I am falling asleep completely and again I cook the same thing. Ninetyly nine shades of the same soup, which I am preparing for whether at noon, remind me of something. But I can not understand what. I am "for" separation of responsibilities, and my duty home is cooking food. But such a culinary frustration happens. Probably, the cities are smaller it is called "laid".

All February I tried to get out of this snowdrift: I made a menu for every week, purchased correct products and prepared interesting recipes and a variety of dishes on the table. It was cool, but resembled how with the help of Silicon plastics from sex shops try to return the passion where it is not. To someone, but for me, cooking food is always about love, about the inner state. For example, when I'm alarming, I am preparing cookies, and it becomes easier. And now what? Interior condition - Cooked freezing and custom noodles in boxes?

Sometimes somewhere inside the pillet griege: "But what about the right nutrition?" This nice voice spoils the most delicious pasta, condemningly molds on chocolate and crispy chiabatt. He is silent on the dumplings as if this is an administrative offense. Fug.

It passes like winter or rain. There inside something aligns, and again I want to make layer salads, the oven Napoleon, stuffing champignons. In the meantime ... in the shop at the house brought cool cabbage dumplings!

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