Strawberry leaves change color: What is the cause of the problem and how to solve it


Good afternoon, my reader. If the strawberry suffers from the disease, the attacks of pests or other possible problems, this will tell the change in the color of its foliage. It can become pink-red, pale yellow or covered with spots with white cut. As soon as you noticed such changes, you need to take action and deal with the problem, but first it is important to identify its cause. And for this you need to trace the character of changing the shade.

Strawberry leaves change color: What is the cause of the problem and how to solve it 2200_1
Strawberry leaves change color: What is the cause of the problem and how to solve it Maria Verbilkova

Leaves of strawberries. (Photo used by standard license ©

With such signs, you can safely diagnose: strawberries amazing gray rot. It puts the greatest harm to the fruits of culture, but foliage suffers, brown and gray spots appear on it. And in wet weather on these formations you can see a fluffy flare. The development of the disease is expressed in drying the uncooked fruits and rotting ripe.

But how can I cure a gray rot? In the fight against this ailment will help the drug "Alin-b". It is necessary to handle strawberries by this means three times per season: during the formation of buds, after flowering and after the appearance of berries. To prepare a solution of 10 tablets dissolved in 10 liters of water.

To prevent the occurrence of the disease when buying, give preference to the sulfur-resistant rotes, choose a solar place for seedlings, regularly, but in the measure, make a nitrogen-based fertilizer.

The emergence of such stains indicates a disease of brown spot. Education quickly grow up and amazed, as a rule, old leaves. When illness progresses, foliage darkens, black fungal disputes appear on it. In the end, the leaves dry out and die away. But if you have acquired a white color and a brown kaym with time, the plant suffered from white spottedness.

Strawberry leaves change color: What is the cause of the problem and how to solve it 2200_2
Strawberry leaves change color: What is the cause of the problem and how to solve it Maria Verbilkova

Leaves of strawberries. (Photo used by standard license ©

To cure spotty, we recommend using burglar liquid. 1% solution should be sprayed a plant affected. There are enough 10 liters of money on 100 m2, you need to treat the garden strawberries three times, observing the interval of 25 days between them. The prevention of the disease is identical to its treatment.

When the old leaves are darker and faded, it can be the initial stage of the verticillaty wilt. Subsequently, the development of the ailment will lead to the defeat of the rest of the plant. If the disease does not stop, it will destroy the root system, after which the strawberry is no longer saved.

If the foliage is twisted, its reverse side becomes pinkish, and a grayish flare is formed on the face, strawberries suffers from malicious dew.

Maturely dew is most often treated with the drug "Bactofit". It is important to follow the instructions to not harm strawberries. After identifying the disease, urgently remove the affected leaves. For the prevention of pulse dews, preference is preferred to the varieties resistant, pre-disinfect the planting material, and the garden with a garden strawberry is located on a well-lit place.

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