Poll: A duty - everything is going to pass inspection?

Poll: A duty - everything is going to pass inspection? 21665_1
Poll: A duty - everything is going to pass inspection? 21665_2
Poll: A duty - everything is going to pass inspection? 21665_3
Poll: A duty - everything is going to pass inspection? 21665_4
Poll: A duty - everything is going to pass inspection? 21665_5
Poll: A duty - everything is going to pass inspection? 21665_6
Poll: A duty - everything is going to pass inspection? 21665_7
Poll: A duty - everything is going to pass inspection? 21665_8
Poll: A duty - everything is going to pass inspection? 21665_9
Poll: A duty - everything is going to pass inspection? 21665_10
Poll: A duty - everything is going to pass inspection? 21665_11
Poll: A duty - everything is going to pass inspection? 21665_12
Poll: A duty - everything is going to pass inspection? 21665_13
Poll: A duty - everything is going to pass inspection? 21665_14
Poll: A duty - everything is going to pass inspection? 21665_15
Poll: A duty - everything is going to pass inspection? 21665_16
Poll: A duty - everything is going to pass inspection? 21665_17
Poll: A duty - everything is going to pass inspection? 21665_18
Poll: A duty - everything is going to pass inspection? 21665_19
Poll: A duty - everything is going to pass inspection? 21665_20
Poll: A duty - everything is going to pass inspection? 21665_21

For the fourth day, the road collection is canceled in Belarus. Instead, a transport tax was introduced, which is not attached to the passage of inspection, as before, but to the fact of the presence of a car. As expected, this will push car owners who did not pass inspection due to the reluctance to pay the collection, finally come to the diagnostic station. What do you say, have already scheduled such a trip?

Are you going to pass inspection?

Bed with statistics

According to Beltehosumra, since 2014, when they introduced a traffic fee, the number of permits issued was annually to fall 10 percent. Such a tendency remained until 2020. Compare: In 2013, 1.9 million machines arrived in 2013 (according to our data), in 2015 - 1.7 million, for 11 months of 2020 - only 0.67 million.

Officials openly spoke about half of the total transport of the country, skating without something. The changes have suggested a long time ago, but the decision was postponed once at times. Until the end of 2020, when it was announced the abolition of the state duty for issuing permission to admission to the vehicle to participate in road movement and introducing transport tax instead.

What faults detected from those who came to the inspection

According to the enterprise "Beltechosm", from the total number of vehicles submitted for the State Technical Inspection for 11 months of 2020, almost a third (27%, or almost 200 thousand) had different kinds of faults and to participate in road traffic were allowed only after their elimination .


almost 11% (about 80 thousand) vehicles identified brake system malfunctions; 6.5% - engine malfunction and elements of the chassis; 6.1% - malfunctions of external lighting devices; About 4% - other malfunctions.

In Beltehosume, also noted that more than 3 thousand vehicles recognized as defective in the primary check of their technical condition did not return to the repeated state technical inspection (of which almost all with the brake system malfunctions (2952 inconsistencies) and external lighting devices (2069 inconsistencies)).


Recall that the obligation to conduct a state technical inspection of vehicles, self-propelled vehicles subject to state registration and state accounting is enshrined in Article 33 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Road Motion".

And in accordance with paragraph 10.3 of the Rules of the Road, the driver is prohibited to participate in road traffic on the vehicle, the design and technical condition of which does not meet the requirements of technical regulatory legal acts, which has not passed the state technical inspection and the procedure for issuing permits for its admission to participate in road Movement.

Responsibility for managing the vehicle, in respect of which permission to admission to participate in road traffic, either which is not registered in the prescribed manner, is provided by Part 5 of Art. 18.12 Administrative Code - a warning or a fine of 1 to 3 basic values ​​(after an increase in the size of the base value, the amount of the fine ranges from 29 to 87 rubles).

Once again: what is the tax

From January 1, 2021, transport tax was introduced in Belarus. It is tied not to the passage of inspection, as before, but to the fact of the presence of a car. This means that the tax pays all car owners, even those whose car is in the garage all year. There are few exceptions: electric vehicles, stolen cars, as well as cars released until 1991 inclusive. The last point caused controversy, but now it's not about that.

The rest of the car owners, including legal entities, once in the calendar year will have to pay at the rates established depending on the allowed maximum mass, capacity or per unit of vehicle. However, the sum of the transport tax is lower than the amount of road collection.

This is how the rates of transport tax for individuals look. The right column indicates the amounts in rubles that the owners of the car will have to make annually to the budget.

As it was before?

For comparison, we will remind the size of the state duty from the 2020-th, and also recalculate how much it was with a base value of 29 rubles.

Type and weight of vehicle Size duty B. in. - 27 rubles B. in. - 29 rubles passenger car, up to 1.5 tons 3 b. in. 81 ruble 87 rubles passenger car, from 1.5 to 2 tons 6 b. in. 162 ruble 174 rubles passenger car, from 2 to 3 tons 8 b. in. 216 rubles 232 rubles passenger car, more than 3 tons 11 b. in. 297 rubles 319 rubles Motorcycle 2 b. in. 54 rubles 58 rubles Cargo car, up to 2.5 tons 8 b. in. 216 rubles 232 rubles Cargo car, from 2.5 to 3.5 tons 17 b. in. 459 rubles 493 rubles Cargo car, from 3.5 to 12 tons 22 b. in. 594 rubles 638 rubles Cargo vehicle, more than 12 tons 25 b. in. 675 rubles 725 rubles

Who has benefits?

For veterans, retirees and disabled, tax breaks are provided. What has already resulted in conversations about "reissuing cars on older relatives."

This year will be transitional between taxation systems, therefore car owners will be released from the transport tax, which until July 1, 2021 will remove the car from accounting.

So with queues?

On Sunday, January 3, in some diagnostic stations, queues from those who want to undergo inspection were noticed. Here is the photo that the reader sent us from the station to the address: Gursky Street, 17.

Today we went to stations to assess the situation. I confirm: there is a revival, even though it is difficult to talk about the queues (perhaps the schedule of the working day).

At the diagnostic station No. 27 (Dzerzhinsky Avenue, 3) in the daytime there were six cars. In the first half of the day it was smaller - three or four cars.

Station №85 at the address: Kharkov Street, 16 - ten cars.

We gradually increase the number of machines at diagnostic stations. For example, at the station No. 207 on Olshevsky Street, 20 we have already caught 15 cars.

And at Station No. 4 (Timiryazev Street, 46) in the queue costs 16 cars.

At the diagnostic station No. 230 (Gursky Street, 17), today, after lunch, we already counted 20 cars. Definitely, after January 1, diagnostic stations are greater popular with car owners.

In Beltehosmote, the Onliner correspondent confirmed that car owners in the first days of the new year are actively arriving at diagnostic stations.

- All stations are open, work is carried out in normal mode, everything is done for the convenience of drivers, they stressed in Beltehosmote.

Survey: Are you going to undergo inspection?

Anonymous survey, so we hope honest: Are you going to go through this year inspection? Cancellation of the road collection will become a decisive factor, and statistics will finally begin to improve, or does nothing change in the root? We start the rollback.

If we boiled and wish to speak out about the situation as a whole, tell me why go through or do not pass and how are you going to live on, write to us: [email protected].

Are you going to pass the inspection after the cancellation of the road collection? To make your choice


Yes, now I will pass and so I was going to have no passed, I would not be going to buy a car first I don't want a car or taxes

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