Difference at the age: how it affects the relationship


One generation

Psychologists note that the most comfortable difference between the partners ranges in the range of 16 years. Relationships can be durable and successful because both partners belong to one generation and most likely share common values ​​and have similar views on life. In addition, most of the pair of peers are approximately one financial position and achieve everything together.Sex

The proximity between partners-peers is usually harmonious. Both has about the same physical condition - health, level of training, experience. Therefore, they approach sex experiments more often with enthusiasm.

Man older woman

Such a form of relations to the centuries was encouraged by society. Mature men took the wives of young girls, and they were in such a material well-being in such an alliance. Today, such relationships are also not uncommon. A young girl still attracts a mature man with her beauty and freshness, and that, in turn, looking for support and support in the person of a person who will be someone like her father (psychologically).


For men, marriage with a young woman is one big advantage. The level of satisfaction in such pairs simply rolls. Thanks to the energetic partner, husbands are young in their eyes. Even their life expectancy is 20% more than in men with partners-level.

Emmanuel and brick macron
Emmanuel and brick macron

Woman older man

This type of relationship is much less common than the above. But modern independent women are increasingly attracting young men. They have achieved heights in a quarry and is unlikely to succumb to the influence of a senior man.

As a rule, in a relationship, where the woman is older, both partners suggests that it is she who takes a leading position in a pair - makes decisions based on more rich life experience.


In sex, such a couple have a lot of romance. The peak of the sexuality of women, as a rule, comes to 30 years, in men - in 18-25, so their desires will be likely to match.

Exceptions from rules

Society loves to put the Eyjist stamps, speaking about the relationship of partners with a difference in age. If the girl is younger than his beloved - she is an inheritance hunter, and if the man is younger than a woman - he certainly alfons.

In fact, age does not matter when the pair relationship is tied to mutual respect and love! Psychological maturity (willingness to take care and bear responsibility), not a marking in the passport.

Difference at the age: how it affects the relationship 21579_2

At the age of 20-23, the girls are ahead of young people in psychological development, therefore, they feel more comfortable with older partners. There may be a difference in 3-5 years sufficient here.

If it comes to marriage, most often they say that the ideal difference between partners is when a man is 8 years old. However, it is rarely specified that the fact of not biological age is important (which is registered in the passport), and psychological (as far as an adult is).

This difference can give some advantages, because, on the one hand, a man, as a rule, has already decided material issues and can be a decent support for the family, and on the other hand, partners still remain people of one generation, and they are easier to understand each other.

At the same time, despite this generally accepted "ideal" difference in age, there are statistics according to which the most strong marriages are those where the difference from partners is only 1-2 years old. When the difference in the age of partners is 5 years and above, the amount of divorces increases.

The greater the difference in age, the higher the percentage of divorced pairs. When a man is older than his chosen for 20 years or more, divorces happen in more than half of the cases.

The reasons are the fact that people's marriage with such a big difference are impossible, most often very similar. Initially, in such unions, a woman has certain expectations from a man (most often material), and they may not be justified or not to serve as a sufficient basis so that the woman put up with serious disagreements with his spouse. And it is very difficult to avoid misunderstanding in such marriages, since there is also a break in the generation worldview, and the difference in life interests and needs.

And yet, from any rule there are exceptions, and in any case, the happiness in relations does not depend on age, but from those people who are building these relationships, and their desires to be together. If it is, any difficulties can be solved.

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