"Does anyone score so in the detachments?" - RMNB about the strange behavior of Kuznetsov


After in the first two-sided, as well as in the first period of the second training party, Eugene Kuznetsov was impressed not much, he was moved to the second combination, "says Washington Russian Machine Never Breaks.

In one of the episodes of Kuznetsov began to wise in the separation, but never struck. In another change, Kuzya was fully opened at the gate, but I simmeted a click and stop another chance. Ken Saburin from Radio Capitals criticized the Kuzu for the fact that he plays the attack not enough aggressively, however, this with a native of Chelyabinsk during his career happened repeatedly.

When there was a second bilateral period, Radio Capitals noted that Kuzya did not appear on the ice in her first nine minutes. Perhaps he was sat for the previous flaws, but there is an option in which the coaches just wanted to look in the case of rotation players. However, when Russian CenterorDard appeared on the playground on the last half of the meeting - he was a completely different player.

For example, he scored a powerful click, coming out one on one with the goalkeeper.

Instead of resorting to the fins, Kuzya simply swollen and charged on the gate of the Phoenix Coplis, which is urine, breaking into the near corner. Kuznetsov did not celebrate this taking of the gate, but when the partners arrived to congratulate him - laughed ... because, well, does someone score so in the tears?

"By the end of the shift, I am quite tired," explained Kuznetsov.

"Sometimes thoughts about such a throw visit me and during the official games. Here everything worked pretty great ",

When Kui was asked if Peter Guyaviolet or any of other coaches aroused him, he answered negatively.

"Cauche was sitting from above. It was not at all on the shop at all, if you paid attention, - clarified Kuznetsov. "No, he said nothing."

It is known to him or not, but, which is one of the most talented hockey players in the league of Kuznetsov, will be almost the main project of Peter Lavoletta in his work with CEPS.

"So far everything is fine," Jaza shared impressions from working with the new head coach. - Training pass in a good pace. I hope we will grow every day. I think we will succeed a lot to prove this year. "

The progress of Kuznetsov can be largely dependent on how far the team will move in the playoffs.

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