Exhibition "Junior Bruegeli and their era." The Netherlands Painting of the Golden Age - in the Museum "New Jerusalem" until April 11

Photo: Njerusalem.ru.

In the Museum "New Jerusalem" before April 11, an exhibition "Junior Bruegeli and their era. Netherlands painting of the golden age from the collection of Valeria and Konstantin Maergauz", which represents the works of the XVI-XVII centuries of one of the largest private collections in Russia. The works of Bruegelel at the exhibition complements a number of works of their contemporaries - well-known Flemish and Dutch authors. In total, 70 works are presented in the exhibition, most of which are shown to the Russian public for the first time. This large-scale project of the museum completes the year of his 100-year anniversary. The cost of tickets from 200 rubles.

The basis of the exhibition was the work of representatives of the Bruegel Dynasty. The main characters of the exhibition were: Peter Bruegel Jr., nicknamed hell, and Yang Breygel Senior, known as velvet, as well as grandson, Jan Bruegel Jr.. The works of the founder of the dynasty, Peter of the older bragle, with the name of which binds the flourishing of the National Netherlands painting, in Russia there is no, and in the market they can be found extremely rare. However, the genius of the Great Master gave an impulse for a long, not one generation, the development of a special Breyghelev tradition, whose paintings were included in the exposition. "Breygele's phenomenon", as foreign experts, usually call this phenomenon in the artistic life of Flanders, does not cease to cause the living interest of art historians and a wide range of viewers.

Most of the exhibition works are made in the technique of oil painting on the tree, less often - on copper or canvas. Some work has already been presented in large federal and foreign museums, the Russian public will see most of the work for the first time.

Excursion for the exhibition "Junior Bruegeli and their era" Museum New Jerusalem / YouTube.com

Works of Bruegels, as well as the works of the masters of their era - artists of the Flemish and Dutch school of the end of the XVI-XVIII centuries - collectors pay special attention. For 20 years, Konstantin Maergauz acquired these works on Sotheby's, Christie's and other auctions, as well as in private galleries. His collection continues to actively replenish until now. In 2015, it was an important part of it - 29 works - was shown at the exhibition in the State Museum of Fine Arts. A. S. Pushkin.

In 2021, 70 works have already presented the attention of the public in the Museum "New Jerusalem" - two times more. Thus, the exhibition is much more fully characterized by the phenomenon of the Bruegel family and in general - the circumstances of the existence of art in the conditions of a free market in Europe in the XVI-XVIII centuries.

All exposures and exhibitions work on sessions. Please read the rules for visiting the museum before purchasing a ticket.

How to get?

By car:

- Volokolamskoye highway 41 km from the Moscow Ring Road, front of Novo-Jerusalem monastery turn right (Bujarovo), 500 m turn left (State Historical and Art Museum "New Jerusalem"). - Novorizhskoye highway 47 km - Congress on the A-107 highway towards the Leningrad highway, 9 km turn to the left in the direction of Istra, then 7 km along the Volokolamsk highway, turn right (Buzharovo), 500 m turn left (state historical Art Museum "New Jerusalem").

By public transport:

Electric train You can drive to the Museum by Electory Riga Directions (from Kursk or Riga Station) to the station "Istra", then transfer to the routes N32, N33 to the "Museum" bus stop or buses N4, N40, N46, N48 before the Museum stop Then 10-15 minutes walk towards Buzharovo.

It is convenient to reset from the metro on the train to the Istra at the following stations: - Kurskaya (Metro Kurskie Ring and Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya lines) - Riga, former. Rzhevskaya (Metro Riga) - Moscow-Calanchevskaya (Metro Komsomolskaya Ring and Sokolnicheskaya Lines), - Dmitrovskaya (Metro Dmitrovskaya) - Streshnevo, Byvsh. Leningrad (Metro Vokovskaya) - Tushino (Metro Tushinskaya) - Volokolamskaya (Metro Volokolamskaya)

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