Ice and globe in one bottle: Jigurd and Anisina again together

Ice and globe in one bottle: Jigurd and Anisina again together 21563_1

He is a singer's breath and actor, especially loudly announced himself in the films of Evgenia Matveyev "Love in Russian!", Yes, and outside the screen and scenes managed to block a lot of firewood. It is a famous figure skater, the Olympic champion, a calm, balanced and knowing the price of a woman.

After leaving a lot of sports, I lived calmly in France and knew no jigurda. And then the same case was intervened that someone would call happy, and someone was fatal: Marina Anisin was invited to Russia to take part in the Ice Teleow. And she got a partner not anyone else, like ... Yes - Nikita Dzhigurda. They had bright performances on the air - but everything was more likely for the sneress. Because soon they got married, and the next year they had a son, and another year - daughter ...

But nothing is forever under the moon: five years ago they broke up - with a scandal, with legal proceedings, officially issued a divorce. Marina and children went to France, Nikita remained in Moscow. It would seem - they died as in the sea ships ... But, as wisely said by someone: never say "Never"! Love eventually won - and this time, we hope forever. They forgave each other all the insults and got married again, and then staged a wedding celebration ...

Ice and globe in one bottle: Jigurd and Anisina again together 21563_2

Expendable feelings

As it became known, this couple is planned to play a wedding back last year, but the pandemic was prevented by these plans.

"We have not seen a year," Nikita Jigurda honestly admitted to us. - The blame of that pandemic, as you understand. Marina with children was in France (the glorified figure skater has citizenship of this country. - Approx. Aut.), And I - in Russia. I could not even hug them. We, of course, communicated by phone every day, including video links. And during one of the conversations of Marina, I was told: "Jigurda, I love you. I want to get married!" Now in France still remains strict restrictions, there is a curfew in the evening and night. And I used all the ties to bring her here and arrange our wedding with her. Marina until the latter doubted that she would take place - was afraid that she would not be released from the country. But she flew out! Children stayed while in France ... Marina did not prepare for a big wedding - we thought we would celebrate in a very narrow circle. But there was so many wishing us to congratulate that we could not do otherwise. Therefore, it turns out such a big celebration ...

Melt the heart of Snow Maiden

I must say that the whole big holiday Nikita Jigurd organized literally in a week. Pair painted in the Griboedovsky registry office of the Russian capital. Marina Anisin was in a brown dress, embroidered by rhinestones, and Nikita is in a strict suit-troika from Brocha from Vyacheslav Zaitseva. The ceremony was surprisingly calm, no extraordinary events happened. Stormy in manifestations of emotions of the groom behaved modestly and carefully listened to the words of the registry office.

"I will not hooligan today," assured all the artist present, putting his signature in the marriage certificate. - We have passed so much tested, and now we are again legitimate husband and wife. I told her mom when we first painted: "Who are you? My daughter had a novel with Prince Monaco! " And I cooler, because I managed to melt the heart of the goddess Anisina and fulfilled all his promises! ..

After the ceremony, the newlyweds went to the restaurant, and after their nightclub waited ...

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"Everything was like in the fog"

Many drew attention to the fact that Marina Anisin, unlike his spouse, the ceremony spoke little, and someone even seemed to be upset. But in fact, everything turned out to be much easier.

"After a quiet Bordeaux in France, where we live with children, where from six evenings to six am the curfew, I seemed to be in another universe," Marina admitted to us. - I did not expect to see such a number of journalists and those, then came to congratulate us. Everyone who rejoices for our official reunion is a lot thank you! Some in the comments are written to me that I will not be happy as a solemn ceremony. It is absolutely not true! For me, all that happened in the Griboedovsky Palace was like in a fabulous fog. I myself made a jigurde offer and happy that my wedding husband arranged such an unforgettable holiday for me!

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Between them melted ice

Marina Anisin and Nikita Jigurd met almost 14 years ago. They together took part in the show "Dancing on Ice. The velvet season, "which went on the TV channel" Russia ". By the way, Nikita was originally not to participate in this project and appeared in it at the very last moment.

"I never participated in such a show," Nikita admits us. - I was called and asked: "Are you standing on ice?" I, without specifying that the last time I was on ice in my childhood, I said that I was standing on it like God. I am in response: "Check out: the Olympic champion flies, and she requested a partner of a beautiful, high, which can stand on ice, because she rides to win!" And here we met her, in the first training session came to the ice. Marina says: "Well! .." - "What - Well?" - "Drive!" - "You hear, and no one asked me about" driving "! I was asked: Do I stand on ice? I stand, as you can see! " I drove, of course - so, on hockey - and she grabbed his head. Since we had to do a huge job ... I fell in love with her at first sight. Caring, wrote poems, but she did not react to it. I even wrote a cycle of poems that devoted her, but then they did not affect Anisin ... Marina said to me: "Jigurda, all this is a lyrics. We will win on ice - then let's talk about personal. " In the first days of dating, we had such a dialogue with her: "Are you married? If not - I want you to become my wife and gave me the same green-eyed goddess! " - "And I want a boy!"

- "Good, agreed: Let the first be the boy, and the second is a girl. We will show an example of the world that even in show business can be real, and not all here by agreement. We prove that there is a true one - as I say, not sterile - love. "

I am proud that despite the insistence of her moms, her girlfriends, the fact that she merged a lie about what I got from the producers of the show money to seduce it, marry it and so on - as if such a real series to arrange, she believed me. And loved me. Ice bastion fell! I am an idol my wife Marina Anisin and I want to wish everyone the same mutual love! And I want to wish to men: the guardian of their girls!

Anna Soltneva, photo of Lilia Charles and Vadim Tarakanova


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